This script generates a feed containing the main (content) image from a WordPress feed - it's named BTCCFeed as it was originally developed to get an all-in-one feed of content & images for the website for a planned app, but can be modified for other sites too with minimal problems.
First off, this was developed against Ruby 1.9.3 but there should be nothing specific to 1.9.3 included
To install the required gems (mongo, bson, feedzirra and nokogiri) run
bundle install
You need Mongo installed and need to edit config/mongoid.yml to use your Mongo instance.
At this point, the easiest way to add a feed is to run
rake feed:add["<feed_name>,<feed_url>"]
The scripts take care of adding the title from the feed, as well as etag/last-modified to keep transfers down
Finally, you can run
rake feed:fetch
This will loop through the feeds defined, get and add new articles and also try to add an image with the class "attachment-article" to the data stored in Mongo
Optionally, you can run
rake feed:fetch["<search>"]
Where is one of the feed name, feed URL or Mongo ObjectID to just fetch that feed
rake feed:generate
Will generate .json files for each feed, one containing the latest 10 items and one containing all items (named <feed_name>.json and <feed_name>-all.json) which you can then make available to applications
The same as fetch, you can run
rake feed:generate["<search>"]
To only generate the JSON for the matching feeds (either feed name, feed URL or Mongo ObjectID)
rake feed:list
Will show you all the feed name and URLs in the system already
rake feed:delete["<search>"]
Will delete the matching feed (where search is either feed name, feed URL or Mongo ObjectID)
Look at lib/feeds.rb for the code which fetchs and generates the feeds
- Tests
Pull requests welcome