This is a C# library for interfacing with Apple's Push Notification Service.
Load your certificate:
var certificatePath = "PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE"; // <- change this
var certificatePassword = "PASSWORD"; // <- change this
var clientCertificate = new X509Certificate2(certificatePath, certificatePassword);
Create a new payload:
var payload = new Payload(new PayloadAlertMessage("Test Message"), 1, "beep.wav");
Create a device token object with the device id you want to send to:
var deviceToken = new DeviceToken("fe58fc8f527c363d1b775dca133e04bff24dc5032d08836992395cc56bfa62ef");
Create a new notification, both simple and enhanced notifications are supported:
var simpleNotification = new SimpleNotification(deviceToken, payload);
// an enhanced notification with an identifier set to 1234 and an expiration set to 1 day.
var enhancedNotification = new EnhancedNotification(deviceToken, payload, 1234, new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0));
Create a new APNS object with the certificate:
var pushService = new APNS(true, clientCertificate); // a push service that will connect to the sandbox apns
Enhanced notifications will return a response:
var response = pushService.SendEnhancedNotification(enhancedNotification);
if (response != null) {
// an error occurred
Simple notifications don't return anything:
That's It!
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//load certificate
var certificatePath = "apple_push_notification_certificate.p12";
var certificatePassword = "";
var clientCertificate = new X509Certificate2(certificatePath, certificatePassword);
var payload = new Payload(new PayloadAlertMessage("Test Message"), 1, "beep.wav");
var deviceToken = new DeviceToken("fe58fc8f527c363d1b775dca133e04bff24dc5032d08836992395cc56bfa62ef");
var notification = new EnhancedNotification(deviceToken, payload, 1234, new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0));
var s = new APNS(true, clientCertificate);
var response = s.SendEnhancedNotification(notification);
if (response != null)
Console.WriteLine("Received Error!");
Console.WriteLine("Identifier: {0}", response.Identifier);
Console.Write("Message sent!");