ANTLR 4 parser for the draft 2014 SNOMED CT Compositional Grammar.
OWL API 3.x compliant classes for loading and storing SNOMED CT Compositional Grammar statements or expressions.
File format is a tab-separated text file: (<expression> \t <label> \n)*
mvn install
Additionally, there are some utility methods in the package.
java -cp SnomedCTParser-0.0.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar <input file> [-s <snomed file> -o <output file> -f]
The input file is a text file with a single compositional grammar statement, e.g.
(276885007 | Core body temperature (observable entity) |)
(363787002|Observable entity (observable entity)|:
704346009|Specified by (attribute)|=(
386053000|Evaluation procedure (procedure)|:
704327008|Direct site (attribute)|=42859004|Tympanic membrane structure (body structure)|,
704347000|Observes (attribute)|=(
123456789|Feature of entity (qualifier value)|:
704318007|Property type (attribute)|= 123456789|Temperature (qualifier value)|,
704319004|Inheres in (attribute)|=278826002|Body internal region (body structure)|
Note that you need a full statement, now only a single concept on the left hand side.
The <snomed file>
is a snapshot concept file from the release, used to be able to determine if concepts are primitive or fully defined (differently colored boxes), can be omitted
the <output file>
is used for providing a name for the resulting SVG file. If omitted the filename is the same as input but with a .svg extension.
makes fully defined default, e.g. if there is no corresponding concept ID in the SNOMED CT concept file.