This project have been generated with darkanakin41/project-toolbox
It is a ddb implementation of Anchore Engine
It grants a ready to use ddb environment for Anchore.
Also, a GUI have been developed in order to manage repository and display security report of docker images.
It is still under development, but the basic functionalities are in :
- Registry management (with authentification)
- Subscription management (which docker image/repository is watched with witch policy)
- Image analysis list
- Image analysis detail
hadolint is a static Dockerfile linter which.
In order to use it everywhere, you can run the following command :
ln -fs $(pwd)/bin/hadolint ~/.docker-devbox/bin
- Add snackbars for confirmations and errors
- Build a dashboard
- Build an image with sources compiled
Check feeds list (vulnerability database update):
anchore-cli system feeds list
Registry Authentication:
anchore-cli registry add --registry-type <registry> <username> <password>
Image management
anchore-cli repo add <your-repo> # Add repo to watch
anchore-cli image list # Check image list
anchore-cli image add <your-image> # Image addition
anchore-cli image content <your-image> # Image content
anchore-cli image vuln <your-image> all # Image vulnerabilities
anchore-cli evaluate check <your-image> # Evaluate image security
Analyse locally built images
curl -o
chmod +x
./ analyze -g -r http://api.anchore.test/v1 -u admin -p foobar -f .docker/<image>/Dockerfile <image tag>