I am playing with ROS Ignite Academy and ROS. This repo will contain all the code I wrote there.
- my_package: The simplest package just to print "Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope"... Why that sounds familiar.... ;-)
- read_odometry: Node subscribed to the odometry topic(/odom) and also compile a creates a message Age.
- simple_topic_publisher: Publish velocity commands(Twist) to the /cmd_vel topic to move the robot.
- topics_mini_project: Reads the laser scan messages(/kobuki/laser/scan) and command the robot to move avoiding hitting the wall.
- simple_service_client.py: A service client to delete an object from gazebo.
- unit_3_services: Create a node calling the /execute_trajectory service to move the arm on a trajectory in a file.
- unit_3_service_bb8: Create a services for moving a BB8 model in Gazebo on a square trajectory with fixed and custom square side.
- ardrone_action_client.py: Simple action client.
- exercise_46: Node to use the ARDrone action to move the drone.
- cancel_goal_test.py: Action goal cancelation to see the effect on the action node.
- fibonacci_action_server.py: Action server example.
- exercise_413: Action service to move the drone in a square trajectory.
- exercise_414: Custom message action service.