This directory provides an example of how to derive ff15ipq compatible parameters for a monastrol small molecule using slurm based HPC resources.
- Use the main branch if you're deriving parameters for a new molecule
- For an example of what that output files look like, see the monastrol branch
- AmberTools
- Amber (pmemd)
- generate a pdb file of your small molecule or ligand
- this can be done using something like Avogadro
- in Avogadro, the molecule can also be energy minimized (recommended)
- derive a set of implicitly polarized (ipq) atomic partial charges for your molecule
- see the /charges directory
- note that this directory is currently set up to handle neutral molecules, if your molecule is charged, some adjustments are needed, as detailed in the charges directory
- optimize the initial set of bonded force field parameters that were roughly estimated in the charge derivation step
- this is done in vacuo and uses the finalized vacuum phase atomic charges
- see the /bonded directory
- you will now have an finalized library file containing the atomic charges and a frcmod file containing the bonded parameters for your molecule of interest
- load these files into tleap along with the ff15ipq force field and you're good to go!
- KT Debiec, DS Cerutti, LR Baker, AM Gronenborn, DA Case, and LT Chong. “Further along the road less traveled: AMBER ff15ipq, an original protein force field built on a self-consistent physical model.” J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2016, 12, 3926.
- AT Bogetti, HE Piston, JMG Leung, CC Cabalteja, DT Yang, AJ DeGrave, KT Debiec, DS Cerutti, DA Case, WS Horne, and LT Chong. “A twist in the road less traveled: The AMBER ff15ipq-m force field for protein mimetics.” J. Chem. Phys. 2020, 153(6), 064101.
- DT Yang, AM Gronenborn, LT Chong, “Integrating Fluorinated, Aromatic Amino Acids into the Framework of the AMBER ff15ipq Force Field.” J. Phys. Chem. A, 2022, in press;
- IPQ Charges:
- IPQ Bonded Parameters: