Small script to automatically clicks on coin, collect rockets and use available boosts.
Works well in one session, it will refresh the page if click request is failed or page is not loaded. You can change a timeouts by changing variables if you need.
This method allows you to use only one session (you don't need to recreate it everytime)
- Open Telegram Web
- Open Notcoin Bot
- Open Dev Tools (
Command+Option+I / F12 or Control+Shift+I
) - Press
Command+O / Control+O
and open filetelegram-web-app.js
. - In file find string
Object.defineProperty(WebApp, 'platform',
, it should be on 1325 position - Change
return webAppPlatform;
toreturn 'ios';
and save for overrides this file - Refresh the page and try to open Notcoin Bot
If you can see the coin and doesn't see an message that you should use mobile then everything is ok
- Install Violentmonkey
- Open Dev Tools (
Command+Option+I / F12 or Control+Shift+I
) - Add script from index.js into Violentmonkey
- Open Notcoin Bot
- Refresh the page
The script should automatically open bot and reload it if needed. If something breaks, just try to reload the page.
You can find it here in index.js