Example solution with some MassTransit examples for RabbitMQ
docker run --hostname localhost --rm -d -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3.13-management
To run all consumers
Holds message contracts together with custom Publish and Consume filters.
Additionally, it shows very basic implementations of IFilter<ConsumeContext<T>>
and IFilter<PublishContext<T>>
which are used by Project1.
The primary Message producer. A different producer will publish/send messages depending on the command line arguments.
- NotificationEvent
- RoundRobinEvent
- DirectA
- DirectB
dotnet run -- {option}
A HostedService project consuming the AlertEvent
. Minimal, automatic configuration. AlertConsumer
consumes AlertEvent,
which is published from both Project1Worker and Project2Worker.
multiple producers with 1 consumer
2 different ways of publishing -
vsbus.Publish(new ())
passing custom headers
Both consume NotificationEvent
and RoundRobinEvent
Project1 has a ReceiveEndpoint configured in the startup.
Project2 shows an alternative way of configuring a receive endpoint with a NotificationConsumerDefinition
Run ConsoleProducer with dotnet run -- NotificationEvent
to see
- PubSub example - a message
handled byNotificationConsumer
in Project1 & Project2 - Publish & Consume filters - Project1 has Publish & Consume filters configured, meaning we can pass arbitrary values in the headers. The way it's configured, it will apply to all producers and consumers.
Run ConsoleProducer with dotnet run -- RoundRobinEvent
to see
- multiple instances (or different instances), consuming the same message (
) in a round-robin fashion. Unlike inNotificationEvent
, dedicated queues are not set up for each service.
Consumes DirectEvent
. This project shows
- direct exchange configuration
- examples of
for a direct message