This repo will have files that can help you make your own program code, run in docker on a Wago PLC.
Since it have been working mostly with Python code, this will be the example I will give.
For other programming languages the procedure would be pretty much the same.
The intention with this git repo is to give you an angle of attack for your own project with the information needed to get you up and running quickly.
So to clearify this is NOT a complete course, but merely to show you the concopt of running your own code on the PFC.
Anaconda ( to administer python versions and virtual environmets and more )
Microsoft Visual Studio Code ( to program and test )
Create an account on Docker
Install required programs
Develop on your PC
Convert the project to run on a Wago PFC and upload to docker hub (so you can pull the image to your PFC later on)
Pull your docker image to the PFC and run it.
In order to run your program in a container, you must build the program images first, in this case with the help of a Dockerfile
FROM python
COPY . /app/
CMD ["python", ""]
Go to the dir where you have your Dockerfile and your python script and run the line underneath
docker build -t mytag . (remember the dot!! . . . . . . . )
docker run --rm mytag
docker run --rm 78ce2f690466
--rm will remove the container after container stop
--it interactive in case you need to interact with the program, like inputs fx.
-p port numbers - could be -p 8080:80 (hostport:containerport)
-d daemon mode - if you wish to run the program in the background. This way the terminal will not be blocked but you will no see messages from the running container either.
!!! Make sure you have Docker Desktop installed and you are logged in !!!
docker buildx build --platform linux/arm/v7 -t yourdockerusername/yourdockerrepo:repoversion --push .
this is an example: "docker buildx build --platform linux/arm/v7 -t dannyolsen/wago-docker_on_pfc:latest --push ."
if you want to make your program available for other architectures "--platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7" can be used in the line above
documentation can be found here:
When running the line below, if the image is not present on the PFC it will be downloaded first and run afterwards
docker run -p port:port containername
this is and example: "docker run --rm --name myContainer myTag"