[com.danboykis/lein-protobuf-compiler "0.0.2"]
This is a stripped-down version of lein-protobuf. The idea for this project was procured from lein-protobuf-minimal-mg. It is similar to lein-protobuf. The most notable difference is that it cannot download and compile the Google protocol buffer compiler for you. You must have protoc installed.
- It can support multiple include directories. Specify these in your project as
:protobuf-includes ["patha" "pathb" "pathc"]
- It can support multiple proto directories
:proto-paths ["resources/protoA" "protoB"]
- If protoc is not in your path specify it via
:protoc "/path/to/your/protoc"
To invoke it simply run
lein protobuf
For an example project see: example directory with person-proto project in this repo.