A simple angular autocomplete made for bootstrap3
- Seamless integration with bootstrap3 and font-awesome, no extra css needed
- Zero configuration setup for basic usage
- Highlighted keyword in suggestions
- Configurable label for suggestions
- Close with esc key, blur or tab
- Selection with enter key or click
- No results message
- UI indication during search
- Advanced usage with custom templates
- Bootstrap
- Font awesome
Install for Bower users,
bower install bootcomplete
Simply include the script in your angular application
<script src="path_to_the_library/dist/bootcomplete.min.js"></script>
And then add the module as a dependency
var app = angular.module("App", ["bootcomplete"]);
Place the autocomplete directive in your view
btc-placeholder="Search for something..."
btc-noresults="No results!"
Define in your controller the query function (you should return a promise) with the searchstring as a parameter. In this example ENDPOINT is a factory
$scope.queryFunction = function (searchstring) {
return ENDPOINT.query({ param: searchstring}).$promise;
Optionally define a callback function that runs after a selection
$scope.callbackFunction = function () {
console.log('callback fired!');
You can specify a custom template to display the suggestions using the results array. Any bootstrap/non-boostrap html is accepted, for example
<div class="media" ng-repeat="result in results">
<div class="media-left media-middle">
<a href="#">
<img class="media-object" src="{{result.image}}">
<div class="media-body">
<h4 class="media-heading">{{result.title}}</h4>
<p><a href="" class="btc-clickLink" ng-click="select($index)"></a></p>
classname "btc-clickLink" id required on any link that fires the selection. See index.html, src/app.js, src/forecast.html for a usage examples
Type: String
The minimum character length needed before triggering autocomplete suggestion (default: 1)
Type: String
The max number of items to display
Type: String
Boostrap input group size (sm,md,lg)
Type: String
The object property to display in the suggestions (ignored when using a custom template)
Type: String
If set to true, keeps the result label as the value of the input: suggested for an item field in a form. In this case the input won't be cleared after closing the suggestions.
Type: String
Input placeholder
Type: String
search function
Type: String
callback function fired after the selection: the full result is passed as paramter
Type: String
String to display when the are no results (default: Your search yielded no results, ignored when using a custom template)
Type: String
custom template url to display suggestions