Raspberry Jam Mod - a Mod Forge Minecraft 1.8+ mod implementing most of Raspberry Juice/Pi API
To install for single-player and LAN use (as well as for client-side use with a server):
- Set up a Minecraft profile of the correct Minecraft version and run it once.
- Install the lastest version of Minecraft Forge for your precise Minecraft version (http://files.minecraftforge.net/)
- Put the contents of mods.zip in your .minecraft/mods folder (there will be a number of subfolders like 1.8, 1.8.9, etc.--they should all go there).
- Put the sample scripts in in your .minecraft/mcpipy directory.
- Install Python if you need to. On Windows, steps 3-5 can be automated by using the .exe installer.
To install on a server:
- Download a Forge installer from http://files.minecraftforge.net/
- Run and it point it to a directory where you want your server to be, select "Server", and it will download and install a Minecraft server.
- Create a mods/ folder in the server directory and put RaspberryJamMod.jar for your server version there.
- Put some sample scripts in a mcpipy/ subdirectory of the same folder as your minecraft server. Make sure to include all mcpipy/mcpi.
- Make a passwords.dat file if your server is open outside your LAN. (Documentation TODO.)
- Instead of running minecraft_server_X.Y.jar to start the server, run the forge jar.