1.Please make sure that the ligand file name is not too long.
2.Prepare yourself's protein pdbqt and Grid box file
(if you want make a Grid box,the pdbqt must be provided.
So we do not make a batch script to produce pdbqt files).
3.Please pay attention to the placement rules of folders.
4.Please put all the lig files (mol2 formula) in the same doc, and named lig_file.
5.Before you run this program, you should copy your data in a safe path.
6.Make sure Open Babel is installed.
7.The Linux version of Vina is compiled in the Centos 7 system. If you encounter an error in Vina on Linux, please recompile.
Open Babel Website : Open Babel
sudo dnf install openbabel -y
Vina compilation reference : Vina recompile
perl run.pl
perl -I /path/to/script run.pl #The storage path of the script
Mol_old_name Molname Target Energy
(2S)-2-[4-hydroxy-3-(3-methylbut-2-enyl)phenyl]-8,8 2S-2-4-hydroxy-3-3-methylbut-2-enylphenyl-8-8 MAPK14 -9.8
(E)-1-(2,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3-(2,2-dimethylchromen-6-yl)prop-2-en-1-one E-1-2-4-dihydroxyphenyl-3-2-2-dimethylchromen-6-ylprop-2-en-1-one ESR1 -8.5
Quercetin der Quercetin_der ESR1 -8.3
ZINC105741014 ZINC105741014 MAPK14 -7.9