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Documentation Contract

Bert Frees edited this page Jan 1, 2021 · 2 revisions

Documentation contract

  • Documentation must be written in HTML (with file extension .html) or Markdown (file extension .md). Other files are allowed but are considered static and get no special treatment.
  • Layout/styling of HTML files is the responsibility of the author/generator. The final rendering of the HTML file is determined solely by the HTML itself. The processor only determines the viewport. No additional CSS is applied.
  • Layout/styling of Markdown files is the responsibility of the processor. This means that the Markdown should ideally not include any CSS. The rendering may be influenced by using standardised classes (defined below). Because Markdown may contain HTML fragments, HTML that needs the same treatment should be given the extension .md.
  • Documentation may contain metadata defined using RDFa. A list of recognised types and properties is defined below.
  • Some metadata is automatically inferred if not present as RDFa.
    • The dc:title property of a file is set to the string content of the title element, or if there is no such element, the string content of the first h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 or h6 element, or if there is no such element, the file name without extension.
  • Processors must handle hyperlinks (anchor elements) according to the following rules:
    • Relative links are adapted when the location of documentation files relative to each other changes.
    • Links are automatically changed when the element has one of the special classes source, apidoc or userdoc. These classes match the RDF types dp2:source, dp2:apidoc, dp2:userdoc. If the resource the original link points to is documented by (via the property dp2:doc) a resource of the indicated type, that resource becomes the new target of the link. The same happens if the original HREF is an alias of (via the dp2:alias property) a resource that is documented by a resource of the indicated type.
    • Whenever a link is changed, any "rel", "rev" and "property" attributes on the anchor element are removed in order to not produce incorrect RDFa metadata.
  • Documentation files may contain Mustache tags. A list of available variables, partials and lambdas is defined below.

RDF grammar

Pre-defined prefixes


  • dp2:userdoc: Documentation file of type "user documentation".
  • dp2:apidoc: Documentation file of type "API documentation", targeted at developers (e.g. Javadoc).
  • dp2:source: Documentation file that includes source code.
  • dp2:script: XProc source file that implements a Pipeline script.


  • dp2:doc: The object (documentation file) documents the subject (source file).

  • dp2:permalink: The object (URI) is the target location of the subject (documentation file) within the published site.

  • dp2:alias: The object (URI) is an alias of the subject (source file). This can be used for example to link source files with URIs defined in the catalog XML.

  • dp2:option: The object (anonymous node) is an option of the subject (script).

  • dp2:input: The object (anonymous node) is an input port/option of the subject (script).

  • dp2:output: The object (anonymous node) is an output port/option of the subject (script).

  • dp2:id: The object (string) is the name/ID of the subject (input/output port or option).

  • dp2:name: The object (string) is the nice name of the subject (option or input port).

  • dp2:desc: The object (string) is the description of the subject (option or input port).

  • dp2:required: The object (boolean) determines whether the subject (option) is required or not. Defaults to false.

  • dp2:default: The object (string) is the default value of the subject (option).

  • dp2:sequence: The object (boolean) determines whether the subject (input/output/option) accepts a sequence of documents/values or not. Defaults to false.

  • dp2:data-type: The object (string) is the data type ID of the subject (option).

  • dp2:media-type: The object (string) is the media type of the subject (input port/option or output port/option).

Special classes

  • source, apidoc, userdoc: These classes influence the special processing of anchor elements (see above).

Mustache tags


  • id: The ID of a script (only available in the context of script documentation).

  • name: The name of a script (only available in the context of script documentation).

  • desc: The description of a script (only available in the context of script documentation). May contain HTML (so you probably want to use the triple mustache to render it: {{{desc}}}).

  • options: The options of a script. This variable is only available in the context of script documentation. The data is built from existing RDF metadata and is structured as follows:

    - option1:
        name: 'Option 1'
        desc: '...'
        required: true
    - option2:
        name: 'Option 2'
        required: false
        default: 'foo'
        data-type: '<dl><dt>foo</dt><dt>bar</dt></dl>'
    - all:
      - id: option1
        name: 'Option 1'
        desc: '...'
        required: true
      - id: option2
        name: 'Option 2'
        required: false
        default: 'foo'
        data-type: '<dl><dt>foo</dt><dt>bar</dt></dl>'

    Here also desc may contain HTML.

  • inputs: The input ports/options of a script. This variable is only available in the context of script documentation. The data is built from existing RDF metadata and is structured as follows:

    - source:
        name: 'Source'
        desc: '...'
        sequence: true
        media-type: 'application/xhtml+xml'
    - all:
      - id: source
        name: 'Source'
        desc: '...'
        sequence: true
        media-type: 'application/xhtml+xml'

    Here also desc may contain HTML.

  • outputs: The ouput ports of a script. This variable is only available in the context of script documentation. The data is built from existing RDF metadata and is structured as follows:

    - output-dir:
        name: 'Output'
        desc: '...'
        media-type: 'application/epub+zip'
    - all:
      - id: output-dir
        name: 'Output'
        desc: '...'
        media-type: 'application/epub+zip'

    Here also desc may contain HTML.


  • toc: Inserts a table of contents from the existing headings in the document. What exactly the TOC looks like is up to the processor.
  • synopsis: Inserts an overview of the input ports and options of a script. This tag is only available in the context of script documentation. The synopsis is built from existing RDF metadata. What exactly the synopsis looks like is up to the processor.


  • sparql: Evaluates a SPARQL expression against existing RDF metadata and for each solution of the query, evaluates a Mustache expression with the SPARQL variables bound to identically named Mustache variables. A call might look like this:

    SELECT ?href ?title WHERE {
      []    a        dp2:script ;
            dp2:doc  ?href .
      ?href a        dp2:userdoc ;
            dc:title ?title .
    ORDER BY ?title
    - [{{title}}]({{href}})
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