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Math AutoCorrect Entries Organized by Grade Level

Brian Richwine edited this page Oct 28, 2024 · 1 revision

Work in Progress!

See Reference List of Short codes for Office Math Autocorrect for a numbered list of the short codes referenced here.

Note: When spaces are important in the UnicodeMath examples provided below, a space is represented by the characters <sp>.

Symbols by Grade Level (United States)

Elementary (K-5)


Description Syntax Example in UnicodeMath Professional Output
Addition + 6+3 $$6+3$$
Subtraction - 6-3 $$6-3$$
Multiplication (times sign) \times 6\times<sp>3 $$6\times 3$$
Multiplication (dot) \cdot 6\cdot<sp>3 $$6\cdot 3$$
Division sign \div 6\div<sp>3 $$6\div 3$$
Subscript _ x_1 $x_1$
Exponent ^ x^2 $x^2$


Description Syntax Example in UnicodeMath Professional Output
Stacked fraction / 6/3 $$\frac{6}{3}$$
Skewed fraction \sdivide 6\sdivide<sp>3 $$\frac{6}{3}$$
Linear fraction \ldivide 6\ldivide<sp>3 $$6/3$$

Equality/Inequality Symbols

Description Syntax Example in UnicodeMath Professional Output
Equals = x=10 $x = 10$
Not Equal \ne x\ne<sp>10 $x \neq 10$
Less than < x<10 $x &lt; 10$
Greater than > x>10 $x &gt; 10$
Less than or equal \le x\le<sp>10 $x \leq 10$
Greater than or equal \ge x\ge<sp>10 $x \geq 10$


Description Syntax Example in UnicodeMath Professional Output
degree symbol \degree 90\degree<sp> $90°$
$$\angle$$ \angle \angle A+\angle<sp>B=90\degree<sp> $\angle A+\angle B=90°$


Description Syntax Example in UnicodeMath Professional Output
General ellipsis (used in lists) \dots 1, 2, 3,\dots $$1, 2, 3,\dots$$
Degrees Celcius \degc 22\degc<sp> 22℃
Degrees Fahrenheit \degf 72\degf<sp> 72℉
Dollar sign $ $100 $\$100$
Cents sign a2 Alt+x 25<sp>a2 Alt+x $25¢$

Middle (6-8)


Description Syntax Example in UnicodeMath Professional Output
Addition + 6+3 $6+3$
Subtraction - 6-3 $6-3$
Multiplication (times sign) \times 6\times<sp>3 $6\times 3$
Multiplication (dot) \cdot 6\cdot<sp>3 $6\cdot 3$
Division sign \div 6\div<sp>3 $6\div 3$
Plus minus sign \pm x\pm 5% $x\pm 5%$
Subscript _ x_1 $x_1$
Exponent ^ x^2 $x^2$
Summation \sum \sum_1^5\of x $ \sum_1^5{x}$
Square root \sqrt \sqrt(3+x) $\sqrt{3 + x}$


Description Syntax Example in UnicodeMath Professional Output
Stacked fraction / 6/3 $\frac{6}{3}$
Skewed fraction \sdivide 6\sdivide<sp>3 $\frac{6}{3}$
Linear fraction \ldivide 6\ldivide<sp>3 $6/3$

Equality/Inequality Symbols

Description Syntax Example in UnicodeMath Professional Output
Equals = x=10 $x = 10$
Not Equal \ne x\ne<sp>10 $x \neq 10$
Less than < x<10 $x &lt; 10$
Greater than > x>10 $x &gt; 10$
Less than or equal \le x\le<sp>10 $x \leq 10$
Greater than or equal \ge x\ge<sp>10 $x \geq 10$


Description Syntax Example in UnicodeMath Professional Output
degree symbol \degree 90\degree<sp> $90°$
angle sign \angle \angle A $\angle A$
pi \pi A=\pi r^2 $A=\pi r^2$
parallel \parallel (AB)\tvec<sp><sp>\parallel<sp>(CD)\tvec<sp><sp> $\overleftrightarrow{AB} \parallel \overleftrightarrow{CD}$


Description Syntax Example in UnicodeMath Professional Output
Low ellipsis (aligned at the baseline of text) \ldots 1, 2, 3,\ldots $1, 2, 3,\ldots $

High (9-12)

Basic Arithmetic

Description Syntax Example in UnicodeMath Professional Output
Addition + 6+3 $6+3$
Subtraction - 6-3 $6-3$
Multiplication (times sign) \times 6\times<sp>3 $6\times 3$
Multiplication (dot) \cdot 6\cdot<sp>3 $6\cdot 3$
Division sign \div 6\div<sp>3 $6\div 3$


Description Syntax Example in UnicodeMath Professional Output
Stacked fraction / 6/3 $\frac{6}{3}$
Skewed fraction \sdivide 6\sdivide<sp>3 $\frac{6}{3}$
Linear fraction \ldivide 6\ldivide<sp>3 $6/3$

Equality/Inequality Symbols

Description Syntax Example in UnicodeMath Professional Output
Equals = x=10 $x = 10$
Not Equal \ne x\ne<sp>10 $x \neq 10$
Less than < x<10 $x &lt; 10$
Greater than > x>10 $x &gt; 10$
Less than or equal \le x\le<sp>10 $x \leq 10$
Greater than or equal \ge x\ge<sp>10 $x \geq 10$


Description Syntax Example in UnicodeMath Professional Output
Line (overbar) \overbar \overbar(AB) $$\overline{AB}$$
Line (left right arrow above) \tvec (AB)\tvec<sp><sp> $$\overleftrightarrow{AB}$$
degree symbol \degree 90\degree<sp> $90°$
Angle sign \angle \angle<sp>A $$\angle A$$
Right angle sign 221f Alt+x 221f Alt+x A $$∟A$$
Measured angle 2221 Alt+x 2221 Alt+x ABC=45\degree<sp> $\measuredangle ABC=45°$
pi \pi A=\pi r^2 $A=\pi r^2$
Parallel to \parallel \overbar(AB)\parallel\overbar(CD) $\overline{AB}\parallel\overline{CD}$
Not parallel to /\parallel \overbar(AB)/\parallel\overbar(CD) $\overline{AB}\not\parallel\overline{CD}$
Perpendicular to \perp \overbar(AB)<sp>\perp<sp>\overbar(CD) $$\overline{AB}\perp\overline{CD}$$
Not perpendicular to /\perp \overbar(AB)<sp>/\perp<sp>\overbar(DF) $$\overline{AB}\not\perp\overline{DF}$$
Triangle 25b3 Alt+x 25b3 Alt+x ABC $$\bigtriangleup ABC$$
Circle 25ef Alt+x 25ef Alt+x A $$◯A$$

Set Membership and Relations:

Description Syntax Example in UnicodeMath Professional Output
Element of \in x\in<sp>A $x \in A$
Subset of \subset A\subset<sp>B $A \subset B$
Superset of \supset A\supset<sp>B $A \supset B$
Subset or equal to \subseteq A\subseteq<sp>B $A \subseteq B$
Superset or equal to \supseteq A\supseteq<sp>B $A \supseteq B$

Set Operations:

Description Syntax Example in UnicodeMath Professional Output
Union \cup A\cup<sp>B $A\cup B$
Intersection \cap A\cap<sp>B $A\cap B$
Set minus \setminus A\setminus<sp>B $A\setminus B$

Special Sets:

Description Syntax Example in UnicodeMath Professional Output
Empty set \emptyset A=\emptyset<sp> $A=\emptyset$
Complex Numbers \C z\in\C $z\in\mathbb{C}$
Integers \Z n\in\Z<sp> $z\in\mathbb{Z}$
Natural numbers \N x\in\N $x\in\mathbb{N}$
Rational Numbers \Q q\in\Q<sp> $q\in\mathbb{Q}$
Real Numbers \R y\in\R<sp> $y\in\mathbb{R}$


Description Syntax Example in UnicodeMath Professional Output
Bare matrix \matrix
() around contents
& to separate columns
@ to separate rows
\matrix(a&b@c&d) $\begin{matrix} a &amp; b \\ c &amp; d \end{matrix}$
Matrix in parentheses \pmatrix
() around contents
& to separate columns
@ to separate rows
\pmatrix(a&b@c&d) $\begin{pmatrix} a &amp; b \\ c &amp; d \end{pmatrix}$
Matrix in square brackets [ ] around bare matrix markup
() around contents
& to separate columns
@ to separate rows
[\matrix(a&b@c&d)] $\begin{bmatrix} a &amp; b \\ c &amp; d \end{bmatrix}$
Matrix in vertical lines | | around bare matrix markup
() around contents
& to separate columns
@ to separate rows
[|\matrix(a&b@c&d)| $\begin{vmatrix} a &amp; b \\ c &amp; d \end{vmatrix}$
Matrix in double vertical lines \Vmatrix
() around contents
& to separate columns
@ to separate rows
\Vmatrix(a&b@c&d) $\begin{Vmatrix} a &amp; b \\ c &amp; d \end{Vmatrix}$


Description Syntax Example in UnicodeMath Professional Output
Horizontally Centered Ellipsis \cdots \pmatrix(a_11&a_12&\cdots&a_1n) $\begin{pmatrix} a_{11} &amp; a_{12} &amp; \cdots &amp; a_{1n} \end{pmatrix}$
Vertical Ellipsis \vdots \pmatrix(a_11@a_21@\vdots@a_n1) $\begin{pmatrix} a_{11} \\ a_{21} \\ \vdots \\ a_{n1} \end{pmatrix}$
Downward-slanting Ellipsis (left diagonal ellipsis) \ddots \pmatrix(a_11&a_12&\cdots&a_1n@a_21&a_22&\cdots&a_2n@ \vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots@a_m1&a_m2&\cdots&a_mn) $\begin{pmatrix}a_{11} &amp; a_{12} &amp; \cdots &amp; a_{1n} \\ a_{21} &amp; a_{22} &amp; \cdots &amp; a_{2n} \\ \vdots &amp; \vdots &amp; \ddots &amp; \vdots \\ a_{m1} &amp; a_{m2} &amp; \cdots &amp; a_{mn} \end{pmatrix}$
General ellipsis (used in lists) \dots 1, 2, 3,\dots $1, 2, 3,\dots$
Low ellipsis (aligned at the baseline of text) \ldots 1, 2, 3,\ldots $1, 2, 3,\ldots$