This project is to deploy packages to OpenWhisk on a K8s using kubectl.
Config the environment with correct values in yml file, and then
kubectl apply -f alarmprovider.yml
Name | Type | Description |
DB_PROTOCOL | URL | The protocol for a persistent storage (either CouchDB or Cloudant) |
DB_HOST | String | Host and port for your DB |
DB_USERNAME | String | Username for your DB credentials |
DB_PASSWORD | String | Password for your DB credentials |
ROUTER_HOST | String | IP address of your OpenWhisk host |
ENDPOINT_AUTH | String | The OpenWhisk auth key to use when installing the actions. Typically this would be the auth key for whisk.system |
Config the environment with correct values in yml file, and then
kubectl apply -f kafkaprovider.yml
Name | Type | Description |
DB_URL | URL | The url for a persistent storage (either CouchDB or Cloudant) |
DB_USER | String | Username for your DB credentials |
DB_PASS | String | Password for your DB credentials |
DB_PREFIX | String | Prefix for your kafka DB prefix |
LOCAL_DEV | String | Must be true if you deploy on your own openwhisk |
ROUTER_HOST | String | IP address of your OpenWhisk host. No usage for now, reserved for future use. |
ENDPOINT_AUTH | String | The OpenWhisk auth key to use when installing the actions. Typically this would be the auth key for whisk.system No usage for now, reserved for future use |
Config the environment variables with correct values in yml file. Make sure the APIHOST_URL, DB_URL, APIHOST are set to correct IP address. Then
kubectl apply -f packageinstaller.yml
Name | Type | Description |
APIHOST_URL | URL | IP address of your OpenWhisk host |
DB_URL | URL | The connection url for your DB |
DB_PREFIX | String | The db prefix for your alarm package |
Q_DB_PREFIX | String | The db prefix for your kafka package. It must be same as DB_PREFIX configed in kafka provider. |
APIHOST | String | IP address of your OpenWhisk host |
AUTH | String | The OpenWhisk auth key to use when installing the actions. Typically this would be the auth key for whisk.system |
Create a alarm trigger every-20
by the following command:
wsk trigger create every-20 --feed /whisk.system/alarms/alarm --param cron "*/20 * * * * *" -i
Check activation log to see every-20 is triggered every 20 seconds.
wsk activation poll -i
Create a kafka package binding:
wsk package bind /whisk.system/messaging myKafkaPkg -p brokers "[\"kafka_host1:9093\", \"kafka_host2:9093\"]" -i
Create a trigger:
wsk trigger create MyKafkaTrigger -f myKafkaPkg/kafkaFeed -p topic in-topic -i
Send a message to kafka topic by invoking the action kafkaProduce
wsk action invoke myKafkaPkg/kafkaProduce -p topic in-topic -p value "this is a message" -i
Check activation log to see MyKafkaTrigger
is triggered when a new message is sent.
wsk activation poll -i