Code for having an Arduino control a homebrew CW tranceiver.
Menu mode is toggled by a long press (1 s) on the rotary knob. Times out in 5 s.
Short press to select.
Short press when not in menu switches between frequency and RIT selection on rotary encoder.
Step <-> Sidetone <-> ( Band ) <-> Keyer <-> ( CW Decode )
Step: 1MHz <-> 1kHz <-> 100Hz <-> 10Hz
Sidetone: On <-> Off
( Band: 160m <-> 80m <-> 40m <-> 30m <-> 20m <-> 15m <-> 10m <-> 6m )
Keyer: Mode A <-> Mode B
( CW Decode: On <-> Off )
D0 - Serial RX (unused)
D1 - Serial TX (unused)
D2 - Mute in (RX) (interrupt)
D3 - Encoder (interupt)
D4 - Encoder
D5 - Encoder push
D6 - Paddle Dih (TX)
D7 - Paddle Dah (TX)
D8 - DDS VFO Load
D9 - DDS VFO Clock
D10 - DDS VFO Data
D11 - Sidetone (PWM)
D12 - Unused
D13 - Unused
A0 - Voltage sense
A1 - Audio detect (CW decode)
A2/D16 - I2C (LCD etc.)
A3/D17 - I2C (LCD etc.)
A4/D18 - Mute/T/R out (TX)
A5/D19 - Key out (TX)
The controller read commands and writes status over the hardware UART.
TBD define protocol.
The controller sends commands to I2C slave controllers for additional functionallity.
TBD define protocol.
export VFO_IF_OFFSET=0
export ARDUINODIR=/Users/daijo/Code/Arduino
export SERIALDEV=/dev/tty.usbserial-A400fXmd
export BOARD=atmega328
make & make upload
Rotary - Quadrature encoder lib. - SerialLCD - Seedstudio 16x2 Serial LCD display lib.
DDS AD9851 code borrowed from Peter Marks & George Smart. -