A Sublime Text plugin that is an easy launcher for local files, directories or urls.
You will find all release notes in RELEASES.md. For a quick overview follows the latest two release notes below.
- adding support for launching YAL with the arguments:
- "by_launcher" - opens quickpanel and allows to select a launcher
- "by_category" - opens quickpanel and allows to select an item category (url, file+sys, file+subl)
- added "by_category" to menu and command palette ("by_launcher" was already there)
- added support for expanding elements in path names (~, ~user, %USERPROFILE%, %APPDATA%, %LOCALAPPDATA%, %PUBLIC%, %WINDIR%, %SYSTEMROOT%, %TEMP%, %TMP%, %USERNAME% - ~/~user works on Windows as well)
- switched to a development branch on Github for developing new features
- added release notes to repo and README.md
You only need to install this package:
- Using the Package Control plugin - you will find it here.
- Manually, either download or checkout this repository and install into your packages directory.
You can access Yet Another Launcher via the Command Palette (Command+Shift+P
on OS X, Control+Shift+P
on Linux/Windows) by selecting "Yet Another Launcher".
You can also find the Yet Another Launcher submenu in the menu Tools
You can also easily bind the launcher command to a key of your choice, e.g. {"keys": ["f1"], "command": "yet_another_launcher"}
. If you want to launch the default launcher only you can bind it with the following code: {"keys": ["shift+f1"], "command": "yet_another_launcher","args": {"launcher": "default"}},
Notice: YAL doesn't set any keybindings per default. You have to set them yourself if you want to use it.
The plugin defines one Sublime.WindowCommand
with the name yet_another_launcher
. You can run it on various places in Sublime Text, e.g. in the console via window.run_command("yet_another_launcher")
or window.run_command("yet_another_launcher", {"launcher": "default"})
You can see the various command arguments used in Main.sublime-menu.
- initial release (v1.0.0)
- make the package available on PackageControl (v1.0.0)
- adding support for launching launchers by launcher names or category (v1.0.1)
- ability to show all launchers in the quick panel and let the user select one (v1.0.5)
- ability to show all item categories in the quick panel and let the user select one (v1.0.5)
- ability for expanding elements in path names (~, ~user, %USERPROFILE%, %APPDATA%, %LOCALAPPDATA%, %PUBLIC%, %WINDIR%, %SYSTEMROOT%, %TEMP%, %TMP%, %USERNAME% - ~/~user works on Windows as well)
Over time I will try to add the following features:
- adding support for install / update messages for installs via PackageControl
- testing it on Linux and making it work there (it should already work, but it isn't tested yet)
- testing it on Mac and making it work there (it should already work, but it isn't tested yet)
- implementing launcher category
to open files in the current Sublime Text session - adding support for operating system dependend user settings
You configure your launcher and launchable items via the plugin settings file. Via the application menu, go to "Preferences" -> "Package Settings" -> "Yet Another Launcher" -> "Settings - User"
The configuration is written in JSON as usual for Sublime Text settings.
You need a top level JSON-object called launchers
. Under it you have to create different launcher objects. In the example you see a launcher called default
YAL supports expanding of ~ / ~user on all operating systems, and the expansion of the following Windows environment variables on Windows: %USERPROFILE%, %APPDATA%, %LOCALAPPDATA%, %PUBLIC%, %WINDIR%, %SYSTEMROOT%, %TEMP%, %TMP%, %USERNAME%
// the "launchers" object is needed and contains all launchers
"launchers": {
// under "launchers" you can create at least one named launcher,
// at least you have to define one launcher with the name "default"
// "default" is used if you launch YAL's default launcher
"default": {
// in launchers you can create three different objects:
// "url" - for urls that will be opened in your default browser
// "file+sys" - for files or directories that will be opened with the
// default application of your operating system
// "file+subl" - for files or directories that will be opened in your
// current Sublime Text session
"url": {
"Sublime Text 3 - Api Reference": "http://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/api_reference.html",
"Sublime Text Forum": "https://forum.sublimetext.com",
The plugin is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3, 29 June 2007. In detail you can read the licensing terms in the file LICENSE.