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Browse app files on device

run-as com.ternaryop.photoshelf.debug
cd /data/data/com.ternaryop.photoshelf.debug

adb shell useful commands

List activities

adb shell dumpsys activity | grep photoshelf

Run activity for debug

adb shell am start -n com.ternaryop.photoshelf.debug/com.ternaryop.photoshelf.imagepicker.activity.ImagePickerActivity                   


./gradlew bundleRelease

Do not increment version code

./gradlew bundleRelease -P versionCode.increment=false

Common tasks

Compile with all warnings

./gradlew build -Dorg.gradle.warning.mode=all

Run lint before release

./gradlew clean check bundleRelease

Generate dependencies graph

gradlegraphviz all_modules all.png

where gradlegraphviz is the shell function

gradlegraphviz() {
if [ $# -lt 1 ]
then echo "Syntax <graphviz path> <png path>\nExample: gradlegraphviz all_modules all.png"
else ./gradlew generateModulesGraphvizText -Pmodules.graph.output.gv="$1" && dot -Tpng "$1" -O && open "$1.png"

Run detekt

./gradlew detekt

only on specific module

./gradlew :home:detekt

Run dependency checker

./gradlew dependencyUpdates