Added Flux Capacitor, to help you manage your flux problem
Added Transmuter's Stone, to allow your Catalyzation Chamber to turn one metal into another
Added Alienist's Stone, for tripling your ore yields with the Catalyzation Chamber
The Timewinder now generates significantly more flux, consumes vis charge, and incurs a 60-second cooldown on use
Dimensional Rippers have a new model
Dimensional Rippers now only connect to things (e.g. levers, essentia tubes) on their bottom face
Dimensional Rippers now emit a particle effect when they find a matching, correctly-positioned ripper
Portal Anchors and Portal Generators have new models
Void Portals now destabilize over time; unstable portals will send you off-target and have other detrimental effects
Fixed a bug preventing teleport sound when using void portals to travel long distances
Portal Generators can now be disabled by applying a redstone signal
Hexamite blast power reduced and vis/shard crafting cost increased
Hexamite now damages the local aura when it affects open air instead of creating flux from destroyed blocks
Fixed a bug where any filled universal bucket could be turned into eight quicksilver
The Everburning Urn is now a standard fluid handler and can be drained with pipes
Updated Thaumonomicon page's background image
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