This is an Elixir application to follow the specification of the Exercism automated mentor support project.
See the project docs:
at this point will run static analysis. The result json file is output to the destination folder.
is able to generate static analysis tests and the analyze function loads the features to be tested.
$ ./bin/build
[output of CLI being build]
$ ./bin/elixir_analyzer <exercise-slug> <path the folder containing the solution> <path to folder for output>
Running bin/elixir_analyzer
on a system with Elixir/Erlang/OTP installed
$ elixir_analyzer <exercise-slug> <path the folder containing the solution> <path to folder for output> [options]
iex -S mix
, then calling:
ElixirAnalyzer.analyze_exercise("exercise-slug", "/path/to/solution/", "/path/to/output/")
This assumes the solution has the file of the proper name and also a test unit by the proper name.
To check that it works without preparing a custom exercise solution, you can run it on one of the text fixtures:
ElixirAnalyzer.analyze_exercise("two-fer", "./test_data/two_fer/imperfect_solution/", "./test_data/two_fer/imperfect_solution/")
The tests are run with mix test
Some of the tests depend on the /elixir
git submodule. Run git submodule update --init --recursive
once after cloning this repo to also get the submodule.
To check at which commit the submodule is, run git submodule
. To update the submodule to the newest commit, run git submodule update --remote --merge
The submodule is used only by the tests.
There are also tests tagged as :external
which are excluded by default. Those tests check if all of the comments used in this repository exist in exercism/website-copy
. To run all tests, use the --include external
- The is the main application module. A function call to
begins the analysis (either through IEX or the CLI escript [if generated]). - A configuration in
holds data for each exercise supported
config :elixir_analyzer,
exercise_config: %{
"two-fer" => %{
code_file: "two_fer.ex",
analyzer_module: ElixirAnalyzer.TestSuite.TwoFer
# ... and so on
then loads the appropriate files from the exercise solutionanalyze
then calls theanalyze/x
function from the analyzer_module.
This is a module that contains a struct of the same name with operations to manipulate itself. Contains the exercise information, list of all the comments to be returned to the student, the solution status.
This struct is passed along throughout the analysis of the solution
This module contains macros for a DSL to be able to compare ideal solution features to the exercise solution attempt.
# module usage
use ElixirAnalyzer.Exercise
# This is DSL for describing the test to be done
# This describes that a solution should have a typespec for the two_fer function
feature "has spec" do
status :test # :skip -- optional
find :all # :any, :none, :one
type :actionable # or :essential, :informative, :celebratory
comment Constants.two_fer_no_specification # may also be a string
# the form of the code that you are looking for
# you may include more than one form block
form do
@spec two_fer(String.t()) :: String.t()
Contains macro to generate a function returning the comment path on the exercism/website-copy
This module is a module for the CLI escript to parse the command line arguments and start the processing
These modules are for describing the tests for which the analyzer is able to determine the state of the solution based on style, syntax. They use ElixirAnalyzer.Exercise
for macro generation of code.