This is an ongoing project for the Software Project course for Second Year Bachelor course on Innopolis University. If completed successfully, this app is aimed to be used at city of Innopolis to make the life of people in Innopolis easier, by making the delivery of food easier, secure, faster and reliable.
This is a backend part of the project.
You can find the frontend part here.
This backend provides all necessary services for adding, modifying and retrieving data.
It is built using Node.js with Express framework. It also uses Atlas MongoDB and GraphQL
for storing and accessing data.
├── config
│ ├── config.js
│ └── google-util.js
├── graphql
│ ├── resolvers
│ │ └── index.js
│ └── schema
│ └── index.js
├── helpers
│ └── producer-helper.js
├── middleware
│ └── is-auth.js
├── models
│ ├── category.js
│ ├── dish.js
│ ├── order.js
│ └── users
│ ├── consumer.js
│ └── producer.js
├── nodemon.json
├── package.json
├── public
│ └── index.html
├── src
│ ├── index.js
│ └── server.js
├── test
└── user.test.js
Dragos Strugar, Peter Zaraharkin, Daniil Dvoryanov
Ezio Thapaliya, Vladislav Smirnov