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HDSLedger is a simplified permissioned (closed membership) blockchain system with high dependability guarantees. It uses the Istanbul BFT consensus algorithm to ensure that all nodes run commands in the same order, achieving State Machine Replication (SMR) and guarantees that all nodes have the same state.


Public Key Infrastructure

Both nodes and client assume that a public-key infrastructure was setup in advance. The PKI module can be used to setup this infrastructure.

To generate a single key pair:

cd HDSLedger/PKI
mvn clean install
mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="w <path-to-private-key>.priv <path-to-public-key>.pub"

The setup of the PKI for <n> nodes and <c> clients is explained further below.

Configuration Files

Node configuration

By default both nodes and replicas look for the config file inside the resources/ folder of the Service module. A config is an array of objects, each one describing a participant of the system. For each one, it should exist an object with the following syntax, with port being the port used by the ledger service, for replicas to interact with the clients and port2 being used by the replicas for the consensus.

    "id": <NODE_ID>,
    "hostname": "localhost",
    "port": <NODE_PORT>,
    "port2": <NODE_PORT2>,
    "publicKeyPath": "<PATH_TO_PUBLIC_KEY>",
    "privateKeyPath": "<PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY>",

Note: For simplicity, the first N-1 ids are reserved for the replicas and the remaining for the clients.

Genesis file

The genesis file defines the initial balances in the system when it boots. The syntax is as follows:

    { "id": 0, "balance": 10},
    { "id": 1, "balance": 15},
    { "id": 10, "balance": 1}

HDS Configuration

In order to ease the setup of the system, a script was created to generate the PKI for <n> nodes and <c> clients, the configuration file on Service/src/main/regular_config.json> and the genesis file on </tmp/gensis.json> with for every participant.

To run the script, execute the following command:

cd HDSLedger/
chmod +x
./ <n> <c> <path/to/config-file.json> <initial-balance>


To install the necessary dependencies run the following commands:

chmod +x

This should install the following dependencies:

  • Google's Gson - A Java library that can be used to convert Java Objects into their JSON representation.

Puppet Master

The puppet master is a python script which is responsible for starting the replicas. The script runs with kitty terminal emulator by default since it's installed on the RNL labs.

To run the script you need to have python3 installed. The script has arguments which can be modified:

  • terminal - the terminal emulator used by the script
  • server_config - a string from the array server_configs which contains the possible configurations for the replicas

Run the script with the following command:


Note: You may need to install kitty in your computer


It's also possible to run the project manually by using Maven.


Compile and install all modules using:

cd HDSLedger/
mvn clean install -DskipTests


The clients and the replicas can be manually started by running

cd <module>/
mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="<id>"

Where <module> is either Service or Client.

Running the tests

To run unit tests, Maven can be used as follows:

cd HDSLedger/
mvn test

Load tests

To run a client loader, the following steps can be followed:

cd HDSLedger/Client/
mvn exec:java -DmainClass=pt.ulisboa.tecnico.hdsledger.client.loader.LoaderClient -Dexec.args="<clientId> <txCount>"

To run multiple clients that load the system, the following steps can be followed:

cd HDSLedger/Client/
chmod +x
sh <replicas> <clients> <txs>

This script assumes that the script was already ran for the number of and specified and the replicas are already running. are the number of transactions that each client is going to submit to the replicas.


Highly Dependable Systems' project 2024







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