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d-markey edited this page Sep 22, 2024 · 7 revisions

Add squadron to your project's dependencies

This documentation is based on Squadron version 6.0. To use Squadron in your project, make sure you reference the squadron package from your pubspec.yaml file:

  squadron: ^6.0.0
  # ...
  # other dependencies used by your app
  # ...

Use squadron_builder -- highly recommended!

For the best development experience, it is highly recommended to use squadron_builder along with squadron. While Squadron provides all the building blocks to implement cross-platform multithreading, using Squadron on its own requires writing a fair amount of boilerplate code.

Squadron comes with a set of annotations that can be used to decorate service classes and methods intended to run in their own threads. These annotations will be used at build time by squadron_builder to generate the boilerplate code automatically.

To enable code generation, the first step is to add a development dependency to build_runner and squadron_builder:

  squadron_builder: ^6.0.0
  # ...
  # other dev dependencies used by your app
  # ...

The next step is to create a build.yaml file to activate code generation by squadron_builder:

        enabled: true
      # ...
      # other builder configurations, eg. json_serializable
      # ...

The build process is handled by build_runner. The following command will have the code generated:

dart run build_runner build

Squadron logo

Squadron - Multithreading and worker pools in Dart.

Offload CPU-bound and long running tasks and give your mobile and Web apps some air!

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