An basic bare-bones Qt app that scrapes information from the USPS website after receiving a tracking number from the user. This was my first experiment with Qt and GUI applications. It is most likely quite buggy since there is no real error checking.
In the future, I might investigate if the usps has an api that I can make use of. This project actually started with me wanting to use python to get my own tracking information from usps without having to open a browser and go to the website every time. Soon after I also became interested in the Qt framework. I was having a hard time coming up with an idea to use for an Qt app, so I decided to revisit one of my old projects which was the usps website scraper I had written in python.
After cloning this repopip install --user pyinstaller
pyinstaller usps-pyqt
The binary will be named usps-pyqt and will be located in the dist folder.