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Base4 Onboarding

Josh Worden edited this page Jan 30, 2018 · 1 revision


  • Identify and create account and group structure
    • Create a core-account model in production radix database if one does not exist.
    • Create a core-application model in production radix database. Start from existing model.
      • publicKey must be unique -- use a generator
      • Ensure account is linked to the proper core-account model.
    • Create core-application-user rels for managing users
db.getCollection('core-user').forEach(function(user) {
  db.getCollection('core-application').forEach(function(application) {
    var doc = { roles: ['USER'], application:, user: user._id };
    db.getCollection('core-application-user').update(doc, doc, { upsert: true });
  • Set up initial database structure
    • APP={account.key}:{application.key} bin/console as3:modlr:schema:create


Insert base models to get a working radix instance.

Core Models

var fromDb = db.getSiblingDB('radix-acbm-fcp');
var toDb   = db.getSiblingDB('radix-ACCOUNT-APP');
var colls  = ['form-definition', 'form-field'];

// Wipe out anything that might exist already
colls.forEach(name => toDb.getCollection(name).remove({}));

// Insert all docs from fromDb collection
colls.forEach(name => fromDb.getCollection(name).find({}).forEach(doc => toDb.getCollection(name).insert(doc)))

Omeda Integration Service

Update the integration-service model with the correct values for name, appId, brandKey, clientKey, inputId, accountBehaviorId, and identityBehaviorId fields. These values can generally be found either in existing (merrick) configuration, or via the Omeda brand data API

Newsletter Configuration

Set up newsletters in the Radix UI. Ensure that a newsletter is created for each existing (merrick /reg/newsletter) email deployment. These might need to have the mongo IDs match

Form/Question Configuration

Extract omeda questions from API, compared with merrick questions from regv2 forms. Create/update questions as needed and add to forms

Omeda Integrations

There are four types of Omeda integrations that need to be configured.



Account Push


Question Pull


Opt-In Push


Data Sync

Once the integrations have been set up and the data is in place for the questions, run the omeda question pull sync to bring in the correct answers for Omeda questions.

  • bin/console app:integration:question-pull