This repository contains the source code for the SnakeBot web client. The application communicates with a snakebot game server using a websocket.
- node and npm:
After cloning the repository, cd into the root path and restore all dependencies using npm install:
> cd /path/to/snakebot-webclient
> npm install
The application can be configured to connect to a specified snake game server on http://:/events using the following command:
> npm start -- --server-host <host> --server-port <port>
To run the application against a local game server listening on port 8080, you can use:
> npm run local
To build application for production, run
> npm run build -- --server-host <host>
The minified output will be copied to dist/bundle.js.
To build Docker image:
> docker build -t snake-web-client .
To run:
> docker run -it --rm --name snake-web-client -p 8090:8090 snake-web-client