This is the library for serializing/deserializing as well as compressing/decompressing the Cyface binary format.
Create a CyfaceDataProcessor object for each cyface binary you want to process as
and tell the processor, if the source binary iscompressed
. Two implemenations for either in-memory or filesystem processing are available for usage:CyfaceDataProcessor proc = new CyfaceDataProcessorOnDiskImpl(binInputStream, compressed);
CyfaceDataProcessor proc = new CyfaceDataProcessorInMemoryImpl(binInputStream, compressed);
Let the CyfaceDataProcessor uncompress and prepare the binary source for later data readout
Read out data. Each step is optional
- Read out header info with further readout options for instance for format version and number of data points for each sensor
CyfaceBinaryHeader header = proc.getHeader();
- Read out sensor data. Poll methods will return
if no further point is available for a specific sensor. Check point typesLocationPoint
for specific value read out options.LocationPoint locPoint = proc.pollNextLocationPoint();
Point3D accPoint = proc.pollNextAccelerationPoint();
Point3D rotPoint = proc.pollNextRotationPoint();
Point3D dirPoint = proc.pollNextDirectionPoint();
Hint: Point3D.toString() prints out human readable sensor values.
- Read out header info with further readout options for instance for format version and number of data points for each sensor
After complete read out, don't forget to close the processor to release resources!