I was looking at these tutorials:
- http://playlatam.wordpress.com/tag/cake-pattern/
- http://www.cakesolutions.net/teamblogs/2011/12/19/cake-pattern-in-depth/
- http://jonasboner.com/2008/10/06/real-world-scala-dependency-injection-di/
... and got curious enough to implement it myself in the latest release version of Play! Scala to date (2.2.0-M2). It makes use of some 2.2 additions like Action.async, database evolutions including generating data, has tests on different layers of the cake pattern in order to look at how dependency injection might be used, actually uses a real entity with implicit json read/writes (all the examples I found lacked the actual definition of the entity they were passing around) and lastly I configured the app to run an H2 in memory database with MySQL compatibility, so if you want to check this out and run it on something else that should be easy enough.
Default - trait to extend all the default services
and repositories you would want to use
by default.
Application - defines app config (namely inheriting
components.Default) for all other
Landing - renders HTML for landing route
Users - JSON API for Users, makes use of UserService
(and thereby the UserRepository)
User - the only entity in the entire app, has
implicit JSON serialization and Anorm SQL
Result mapping
UserRepository - traits and classes for handling data layer
for Users, implementation of Anorm
/conf - some configs
Build.scala - note that while Play 2.x bundles specs2
and mockito for testing it does not do so for
simply running the app
UserRepositorySpec - bit redundant to write tests on this with
a FakeApplication since the routes spec covers
the same code, was just being thorough :)
LandingRouteSpec - just being thorough, covers the only HTML
UserRouteSpec - covers the JSON Users API with FakeApplication
UserServiceSpec - unit tests the UserService by mocking
UserRepository with Mockito (doesn't really test
anything, just showing for demo purposes)
package.scala - helper method for FakeApplication config