Replace words inside docx documents using python-docx
Use pip
and install the program by url using release page:
$ pip install
On NixOS (latest version):
$ nix-env -if
The program docx-replace
has convenient command line interface, provided by argparse
python module:
$ docx-replace --help
usage: docx-replace [-h] --output OUTPUT --pattern PATTERN [PATTERN ...] docx
Replace text in docx. Use some complex text like "<[%MyText%]>", to guarantee
the replacement
positional arguments:
docx the source docx file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
output file
--pattern PATTERN [PATTERN ...], -p PATTERN [PATTERN ...]
patterns by format "pattern='some text'"
Also it has --version
flag to check the installed program version:
docx-replace 0.1.2
The program will replace all occurrence of "pattern" inside docx
Patterns are passed as expressions like "pattern=replecement_text"