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State Machine Assistant


Some months ago I started playing with Camel K, I instantanly fell in love with it (and I didn't have any previous experience with Camel), easy to deploy fast development, tons of components, you name it. As it usually happens (not just to me, right ;-) ) we the IT people try a new good thing and if we love it... we tend to use it everywhere... ok, that was my case, I started to think of crazy scenarios, but one of them stood out and after some refinement ended up being this project.

NOTE NOTE: Ideally you will read and do and see results... and (hopefully) learn some basics to create your own EDA (Event Driven Application). This lab is not really about creating everything from scratch but more about having an example project up and running and then exploring possibilities while learning.

The idea

The idea came to me after remembering how many times I had to go with my youngest daughter to the Emergency Room (nothing serious but recurrent) and all those times waiting for results, moving to the next stage and informing my wife (who was with my other daughter). Wouldn't if be nice to receive a message to my Telegram App everytime the state of the patient changes? Well, that's the aim of this project: serving as an example EDA (Event Driven Application) running on Kubernetes/OpenShift that sends out notifications via a Telegram Bot whenever the state/status of a patient changes.

In order to give our example EDA a bit more of (fictitious) context, let's imagine there's a Health Information System (HIS) at a hospital called Black Mountain Hospital. This application has a UI where you can change the status of a patient and every time a change happens a proper HL7 message is sent.

NOTE NOTE: this is an over simplified HIS, please health related professionals don't get too mad at me, I know how complex a real HIS is ;-)

The scenario portrayed by this example application of the fictitious Black Mountain Hospital comprises these elements:

  • HIS frontend (Angular JS) where you can change the status of a patient
  • HIS backend (Spring Boot REST API) exposing the patient info API, data is persisted in a PostgreSQL Database. This piece sends out HL7 messages to a Kafka topic
  • Integration layer (Camel K) that translates HL7 events to plain events you can send to a human
  • Telegram Bot (Node JS) where you can signup with your ID, again data is persisted in a PostgreSQL Database



In this guide we'll cover:

  • the deployment of infrastructure elements in OpenShift: databases, kafka cluster, etc.
  • local development of UI, services and also the integration layer
  • the deployment of services on OpenShift


You need access to an OpenShift 4.2+ cluster and be cluster-admin (or request your administrator to install a couple of elements for you). You can also run your own local 4.x cluster using CodeReady Containers.

Git clone this repository and change dir... the usual. Or use the CodeReady Workspaces magic url, more on this later.

Deployment of infrastructure

We need to deploy a couple of databases, Kafka and also Camel K... let's get to it.

Deploying Kafka

In order to ease the deployment of Kafka we're going to use the Red Hat AMQ Operator (go here to learn more about operators).

WARNING WARNING: This task should be run by a cluster administrator

Log in as a cluster admin to your cluster and go to Operators->Operator Hub.

Operator Hub

In the search field start typing amq. Then click on AMQ Streams.

Operator Hub

Click on Install.

Operator Hub

Leave the default values and click Subscribe, as you can see we're going to install the operator so that it's available to all namespaces. This will allow to use the operator as a normal user in any namespace.

Operator Hub

Wait until Status changes to InstallSucceeded.

Operator Hub

If status is InstallSucceeded you have installed the operator successfully in namespace openshift-operators.

Operator Hub

Now you could start creating custom resources managed by the AMQ Streams Operator, such as Kafka, Kafka Connect, etc.

IMPORTANT IMPORTANT: If later when creating your Kafka cluster it get's stuck after creating the Zookeeper cluster ask your admin to have a look to the Operator pod in namespace openshift-operators. It could be related to a race condition if the whole cluster has been restarted and the Operator pod was faster than the OpenShift API server.

Deploying the Camel K Operator

As we have explained before we need a couple of Camel integrations; to translate HL7 messages coming in to a Kafka topic and another one to send those translated messages to a Telegram Bot. Well, in order to run this Camel integrations (routes) we can do it manually in a Java project, or use Camel K. For all the reasons mentions before and more we're going to use an operator the Camel K Operator.

WARNING WARNING: This task should be run by a cluster administrator

Log in as to your cluster as cluster-admin and go to Operators->Operator Hub.

Operator Hub

In the search field start typing camel. Then click on Camel K.

Operator Hub

Click on Continue.

Operator Hub

Click on Install.

Operator Hub

Leave the default values and click Subscribe, as you can see we're going to install the operator so that it's available to all namespaces. This will allow to use the operator as a normal user in any namespace.

Operator Hub

Wait until Status changes to InstallSucceeded, if that is the case you have installed the operator successfully in namespace openshift-operators.

Operator Hub

Now you could start creating custom resources managed by the Camel K Operator, such as Integration, Build, etc.

Starting the workshop!

Getting the sources

Here you have two options, you can just git clone or use CodeReady Workspaces.

If you have access to a CodeReady Workspaces (CRW) cluster just compose a URL like this:


Change to the sources folders

Either on CRW or not you have to be in (or open a) terminal and.

NOTE NOTE: If on CRW you can use ${CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT}/state-machine-assistant

cd ./state-machine-assistant

Deploying Kafka using the AMQ Streams Operator

As we mentioned before we need a couple of Topics, one for HL7 events and another one for translated events... and of course we need a Kafka cluster to support them.

NOTE NOTE: This task and the next ones don't require special permissions apart from being able to create namespaces, deployments, PODs, etc.

We have prepared a set of numbered shell scripts, please have a look to the one numbered 00 where some base environment variables are set. You may need to change the project name to be sure it's unique in your cluster...

  1. Set the environment any time by doing this. Please run the next command, we'll need to use $PROJECT_NAME environment variable later:

    . ./

    In this step we will run ./, please have a look to this script, there are a couple of important bits there.

    First, it creates a project to hold all the elements. Next is the excerpt

    oc new-project ${PROJECT_NAME}

    IMPORTANT IMPORTANT: if you run the scripts in order (and you don't create another project in between), the default project will be automatically set to the project create, that is the one set by $PROJECT_NAME environment variable, see If you have created another project or just want to be sure the default project is set correctly, please use: oc project. If you need to set the default project back to $PROJECT_NAME do this: . ./ && oc project $PROJECT_NAME

    Second, it also creates a Custom Resource (CR) of type Kafka that defines a Kafka cluster with 3 replicas, three listeners, plain, secure and https based (external). And a couple of CRs of type KafkaTopic for each of the kafka topics we need.

    NOTE NOTE 1: The AMQ Streams Operator reacts to the creation/update/delete of a set of Custom Resource Definitions, go here for further details

    NOTE NOTE 2: The external listener is needed only while running the backend logic locally because the kafka cluster is running in OpenShift. In general this external listener is not needed when the logic run in the same cluster as the kafka cluster.

  2. Now please run the script.


    WARNING WARNING: Be sure you're logged in, if unsure run oc whoami. If you're not logged in then open the OpenShift web console, click your profile name, such as userXX, and then click Copy Login Command. Finally, click Display Token, copy the oc login command, and paste the command into your terminal. The code looks like:

    oc login --token=IrYTUQdxuvV9ciOmCJW59CFFV5GkK-1tmbRjBvCT1_M --server=

    To monitor the status of the deployment you can run the next command.

    As you can see, there are 3 replicas both for the kafka cluster and for the zookeeper cluster, all of them are running.

    $ oc get pod -n $PROJECT_NAME -w

    Expected result:

    sma-cluster-entity-operator-55d6f79ccf-dckht   3/3     Running     16         5d15h
    sma-cluster-kafka-0                            2/2     Running     11         5d15h
    sma-cluster-kafka-1                            2/2     Running     11         5d15h
    sma-cluster-kafka-2                            2/2     Running     11         5d15h
    sma-cluster-zookeeper-0                        2/2     Running     8          5d15h
    sma-cluster-zookeeper-1                        2/2     Running     8          5d15h
    sma-cluster-zookeeper-2                        2/2     Running     8          5d15h

    NOTE NOTE: The -w flag watch for changes. To exit out of the watch command, just hit the Ctrl+C key combination.

    Another test you can run, this one to check if our topics were created properly.

    oc rsh -n $PROJECT_NAME sma-cluster-kafka-0 bin/ --list --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

    Expected output:

    Defaulting container name to kafka.
    Use 'oc describe pod/sma-cluster-kafka-0 -n state-machine-assistant' to see all of the containers in this pod.
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: If the number of processors is expected to increase from one, then you should configure the number of parallel GC threads appropriately using -XX:ParallelGCThreads=N

Install Camel K CLI

This step is quite easy... it only requires to download the Camel K CLI binary, kamel.

Please run this script.

NOTE NOTE: open the script if you want to change the cli version


This script leaves the kamel binary in the same directory where the script is run... so it's not in your PATH so be sure to execute it like this ./kamel or add it to you PATH.

Deploying the HIS Backend and Telegram Bot databases

We're going to use oc new-app commands to deploy two single node PostgreSQL databases, one for the HIS backend and another one for the Telegram Bot.

If you have a look to script 03 you'll find the next couple of commands, these are normal oc new-app commands that create the needed descriptors to run an OCI image centos/postgresql-10-centos7.

Pay attention to the following:

  1. We are deploying the same image twice because we need two databases
  2. The name given to the application is different: backend-database vs telegram-bot-database
  3. Finally, there are a couple of environment variables that set user and password with the same values for both databases. Yes, not very secure... but remember this is for development purposes
    centos/postgresql-10-centos7 --name=backend-database

    centos/postgresql-10-centos7 --name=telegram-bot-database

Now run the script.


Check the status of the deployment with this command. Eventually you should see something like this where the status of our database pods is Running, like backend-database-1-ttq2b in this example output.

oc get pod -n $PROJECT_NAME -w

This is the expected output:

backend-database-1-deploy                                0/1     Completed   0          5m
backend-database-1-ttq2b                                 1/1     Running     4          4m
telegram-bot-database-1-7qv4d                            1/1     Running     4          4m
telegram-bot-database-1-deploy                           0/1     Completed   0          5m

Preparing the development environment

One of the goals of the lab is to help you with the local development stage. For instance, regarding the HIS backend, our Spring Boot service (Java) needs to be able to connect to an HTTPS listener, hence you need the root CA certificate related to that listener added as a trusted CA to a keystore.

To do so, we have prepared this script ./ It basically does the following:

Extracts the root CA cert from a secret

oc extract secret/${CLUSTER_NAME}-cluster-ca-cert -n ${PROJECT_NAME} --keys=ca.crt --to=- > src/main/resources/ca.crt

Adds it to a Java Keystore

keytool -delete -alias root -keystore src/main/resources/keystore.jks -storepass password -noprompt
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root -file src/main/resources/ca.crt -keystore src/main/resources/keystore.jks -storepass password -noprompt

How does the Spring Boot application know which Keystore use to connect to kafka?

Well, there's a class called KafkaConfig that prepares the configuration to connect to Kafka, open file backend/src/main/java/com/redhat/his/service/ to see how we use NONE to exclude some properties when running in OpenShift.

package com.redhat.his.service;

import java.util.Properties;


public class KafkaConfig {
	private String kafkaBrokers;
	private String clientId;

	private String groupId;

	private String topicName;

	private String securityProtocol;
	private String sslTruststoreLocation;

	private String sslTruststorePassword;

	private String sslKeystoreLocation;

	private String sslKeystorePassword;


Then we have to different profiles default and openshift, so, when developing we use default ( and when running in OpenShift we use openshift (

Next you can find the relevant properties in the default profile.

# Kafka Bootstrap Servers => ./ sets KAFKA_SERVICE_HOST automatically for local dev.

# Client and Group
kafka.clientId	= kafkaClientHisBackend
kafka.groupId	= kafkaHisBackendConsumerGroup

# Topics
kafka.topic = hl7-events-topic = SSL

kafka.ssl.truststore.location = src/main/resources/keystore.jks
kafka.ssl.truststore.password = password

kafka.ssl.keystore.location = src/main/resources/keystore.jks
kafka.ssl.keystore.password = password

And this is the openshift profile cuonterpart.

# Kafka Bootstrap Servers

# Client and Group
kafka.clientId	= kafkaClientHisBackend
kafka.groupId	= kafkaHisBackendConsumerGroup

# Topics
kafka.topic = hl7-events-topic = NONE

kafka.ssl.truststore.location = NONE
kafka.ssl.truststore.password = NONE

kafka.ssl.keystore.location = NONE
kafka.ssl.keystore.password = NONE

The other thing done by ./ is to install all dependencies needed by the Telegram Bot and the HIS Front end, bot Node JS applications.

Now please run this command.


Developing our EDA locally

So there are 4 pieces we need to be able to run locally first and then move to our OpenShift cluster, namely:

  • Telegram Bot
  • HIS Backend
  • Integrations
    • HL7 to Events Integration
    • Events to Telegram Bot Integration
  • HIS Frontend

Let's run them test them one by one

Telegram Bot

First you need to use BotFather in order to create you Telegram Bot

Go to your Telegram App, here we'll show you haow to do it with the desktop app but it should work in any supported platform.

Look for BotFather.


Now create a new bot with /newbot. Just follow the steps, when done you should receive a token, please copy it.


Time to paste this token, open ./ and paste it when required.

Run this script in an new terminal window. Be aware that it will use oc port-forward to open a tunnel with the database running in OpenShift. By the way this script could also work properly completely local if you uncomment the required lines Using docker to run a database.


Expected output:

> [email protected] start /Users/cvicensa/Projects/openshift/tap/state-machine-assistant/telegram-bot
> node app.js

node-telegram-bot-api deprecated Automatic enabling of cancellation of promises is deprecated.
In the future, you will have to enable it yourself.
See internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:959:30
DEV: true
body-parser deprecated bodyParser: use individual json/urlencoded middlewares app.js:21:9
body-parser deprecated undefined extended: provide extended option node_modules/body-parser/index.js:105:29
Health Assistant Bot has started. Start conversations in your Telegram.
Telegram Bot started at: Tue Jan 14 2020 16:06:36 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time) on port: 9090
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
    at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1129:14) {
  errno: 'ECONNREFUSED',
  syscall: 'connect',
  address: '',
  port: 5432
Forwarding from -> 5432
Forwarding from [::1]:5432 -> 5432

Hopefully your Telegram Bot is running in localhost and is connected to PostgreSQL (local or remote). Let's test it.

First, open your Telegram App and look for your bot, in our case state machin finds our bot. Second click on START


As you can see some help is displayed.


Create a user (in our case user already existed).

/signup 9876543210W


Finally send a message and see the result in your Telegram App. Something like Patient JOHN SMITH with ID(PATID1234) has been admitted (ZZZ)

NOTE NOTE: In a new terminal and after cd state-machine-assistant

./telegram-bot/ 9876543210W http://localhost:9090


Deploy the Telegram Bot

Before we can run the integration layer we need to deploy the Telegram Bot to OpenShift.

INFO INFO: This is so, because the integration layer runs in the cluster so it would be required for your local Telegram Bot to be listening in an external IP reachable from the cluster

We're going to deploy our application using Nodeshift. Nodeshift helps us deploying our NodeJS application from the command line using Source to image behind scenes. in order to do that you have to provide minimal information in the shape of YAML descriptors in a folder named .nodeshift and being logged in to an OpenShift cluster.

Here's a list of descriptors already prepared for deploying the Telegram Bot:

  • credentials-secret.yml is a proper k8s Secret object containing the database credentials
  • route.yml is a fragment of a Route object that routes to the Service object
  • deployment.yml is a fragment of a DeploymentConfig object. You'll notice that there are some environment variables there for database host (literal, hardcoded), credentials (value comes from the secret mentioned above) and the Telegram token (value refers to a ConfigMap).

Hmm may be you've notice some things are missing here:

  • Where's the ConfigMap to get the token from? It'll be created when you run ./
  • Where are the Service, ImageStream, BuildConfig objects? Those are inferred by Nodeshift along with the missing pieces when the object is not complete but a fragment as in the case of deployment.yml

Now please run this command and provide the Telegram Token you obtained before.

INFO INFO: If you happen to forget the token, you can always go to BotFater and ask him ;-) with /mybots


Expected output:

> [email protected] openshift /Users/cvicensa/Projects/openshift/tap/state-machine-assistant/telegram-bot
> nodeshift --strictSSL=false

2020-01-15T11:02:43.945Z INFO loading configuration
2020-01-15T11:02:43.952Z INFO using namespace state-machine-assistant at
2020-01-15T11:04:07.398Z TRACE npm info ok
2020-01-15T11:04:07.398Z TRACE 
2020-01-15T11:04:08.393Z TRACE Getting image source signatures
2020-01-15T11:04:08.716Z TRACE Copying blob sha256:04dbaef9d44294aedd58690d85eb37e5b57dd98d9e922be36e4ae4e019b21619
2020-01-15T11:04:09.214Z TRACE Copying config sha256:1e16c354e3774215a388a4a0b94c1376c6f042f3e0965d1c7ac16972de8b7a1c
2020-01-15T11:04:09.556Z TRACE Writing manifest to image destination
2020-01-15T11:04:09.559Z TRACE Storing signatures
2020-01-15T11:04:10.957Z TRACE 1e16c354e3774215a388a4a0b94c1376c6f042f3e0965d1c7ac16972de8b7a1c
2020-01-15T11:04:14.130Z TRACE 
2020-01-15T11:04:14.131Z TRACE Pushing image image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/state-machine-assistant/telegram-bot:latest ...
2020-01-15T11:04:14.132Z TRACE Getting image source signatures
2020-01-15T11:04:14.223Z TRACE Copying blob sha256:5af42566e7d1943de0196a7d22dc5abb18d916ae5cdb762dffd28d305a11ad41
2020-01-15T11:04:15.572Z TRACE Copying config sha256:1e16c354e3774215a388a4a0b94c1376c6f042f3e0965d1c7ac16972de8b7a1c
2020-01-15T11:04:16.615Z TRACE Writing manifest to image destination
2020-01-15T11:04:16.708Z TRACE Storing signatures
2020-01-15T11:04:16.710Z TRACE Successfully pushed image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/state-machine-assistant/telegram-bot@sha256:f49ed9fbd0baf545ccbba03cf6246ba1ef29c647012d049fb3768e817599c9b3
2020-01-15T11:04:16.719Z TRACE Push successful
2020-01-15T11:04:19.345Z INFO build telegram-bot-s2i-6 complete
2020-01-15T11:04:19.392Z INFO openshift.yaml and openshift.json written to /Users/cvicensa/Projects/openshift/tap/state-machine-assistant/telegram-bot/tmp/nodeshift/resource/
2020-01-15T11:04:19.808Z INFO creating new configMap telegram-bot
2020-01-15T11:04:19.846Z INFO creating new secret telegram-bot-database-secret
2020-01-15T11:04:19.849Z INFO creating new service telegram-bot
2020-01-15T11:04:19.855Z INFO creating new route telegram-bot
2020-01-15T11:04:19.857Z INFO creating deployment configuration telegram-bot
2020-01-15T11:04:19.999Z INFO route host mapping
2020-01-15T11:04:20.003Z INFO complete

HIS Backend

Now it's time to run, locally, our Spring Boot HIS API. In order to do so we run ./ Open a new terminal and run it:

INFO INFO: This script runs our application which connects to the Kafka topic $HL7_EVENTS_TOPIC. If you're wondering why it connects to the Kafka cluster, the answer is this environment variable KAFKA_SERVICE_HOST. When run locally it's filled with the result of running this command: =$(oc -n ${PROJECT_NAME} get routes ${CLUSTER_NAME}-kafka-bootstrap -o=jsonpath='{.status.ingress[0].host}{"\n"}'), when running in OpenShift the value is predefined in and equals to sma-cluster-kafka-brokers:9092.


If it all works properly you should get something like this:

2020-01-14 19:22:44.229  INFO 80644 --- [  restartedMain] o.a.k.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig    : ConsumerConfig values: = 5000
	auto.offset.reset = latest
	bootstrap.servers = []
	check.crcs = true = = 540000 = 60000 = false
	exclude.internal.topics = true
	fetch.max.bytes = 52428800 = 500
	fetch.min.bytes = 1 = kafkaHisBackendConsumerGroup = 3000
	interceptor.classes = [] = true
	isolation.level = read_uncommitted
	key.deserializer = class org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.LongDeserializer
	max.partition.fetch.bytes = 1048576 = 300000
	max.poll.records = 500 = 300000
	metric.reporters = []
	metrics.num.samples = 2
	metrics.recording.level = INFO = 30000
	partition.assignment.strategy = [class org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.RangeAssignor]
	receive.buffer.bytes = 65536 = 1000 = 50 = 30000 = 100
	sasl.client.callback.handler.class = null
	sasl.jaas.config = null
	sasl.kerberos.kinit.cmd = /usr/bin/kinit
	sasl.kerberos.min.time.before.relogin = 60000 = null
	sasl.kerberos.ticket.renew.jitter = 0.05
	sasl.kerberos.ticket.renew.window.factor = 0.8
	sasl.login.callback.handler.class = null
	sasl.login.class = null
	sasl.login.refresh.buffer.seconds = 300
	sasl.login.refresh.min.period.seconds = 60
	sasl.login.refresh.window.factor = 0.8
	sasl.login.refresh.window.jitter = 0.05
	sasl.mechanism = GSSAPI
	security.protocol = SSL
	send.buffer.bytes = 131072 = 10000
	ssl.cipher.suites = null
	ssl.enabled.protocols = [TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1]
	ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm = https
	ssl.key.password = null
	ssl.keymanager.algorithm = SunX509
	ssl.keystore.location = src/main/resources/keystore.jks
	ssl.keystore.password = [hidden]
	ssl.keystore.type = JKS
	ssl.protocol = TLS
	ssl.provider = null = null
	ssl.trustmanager.algorithm = PKIX
	ssl.truststore.location = src/main/resources/keystore.jks
	ssl.truststore.password = [hidden]
	ssl.truststore.type = JKS
	value.deserializer = class org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer

2020-01-14 19:22:44.391  INFO 80644 --- [  restartedMain] o.a.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser     : Kafka version : 2.0.1
2020-01-14 19:22:44.391  INFO 80644 --- [  restartedMain] o.a.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser     : Kafka commitId : fa14705e51bd2ce5
>>> init() with topics = hl7-events-topic
2020-01-14 19:22:44.898  INFO 80644 --- [  restartedMain] o.s.s.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor  : Initializing ExecutorService 'applicationTaskExecutor'
2020-01-14 19:22:44.953  WARN 80644 --- [  restartedMain] aWebConfiguration$JpaWebMvcConfiguration : is enabled by default. Therefore, database queries may be performed during view rendering. Explicitly configure to disable this warning
2020-01-14 19:22:45.024  INFO 80644 --- [       Thread-8] org.apache.kafka.clients.Metadata        : Cluster ID: JiCToAYZTHCDpbNYVyMlKA
2020-01-14 19:22:45.029  INFO 80644 --- [       Thread-8] o.a.k.c.c.internals.AbstractCoordinator  : [Consumer clientId=consumer-1, groupId=kafkaHisBackendConsumerGroup] Discovered group coordinator (id: 2147483646 rack: null)
2020-01-14 19:22:45.038  INFO 80644 --- [  restartedMain] o.s.b.a.w.s.WelcomePageHandlerMapping    : Adding welcome page: class path resource [static/index.html]
2020-01-14 19:22:45.040  INFO 80644 --- [       Thread-8] o.a.k.c.c.internals.ConsumerCoordinator  : [Consumer clientId=consumer-1, groupId=kafkaHisBackendConsumerGroup] Revoking previously assigned partitions []
2020-01-14 19:22:45.040  INFO 80644 --- [       Thread-8] o.a.k.c.c.internals.AbstractCoordinator  : [Consumer clientId=consumer-1, groupId=kafkaHisBackendConsumerGroup] (Re-)joining group
2020-01-14 19:22:45.270  INFO 80644 --- [  restartedMain] o.s.b.a.e.web.EndpointLinksResolver      : Exposing 2 endpoint(s) beneath base path '/actuator'
2020-01-14 19:22:45.340  INFO 80644 --- [  restartedMain] o.s.b.w.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer  : Tomcat started on port(s): 8080 (http) with context path ''
2020-01-14 19:22:45.342  INFO 80644 --- [  restartedMain] com.redhat.his.BoosterApplication        : Started BoosterApplication in 6.678 seconds (JVM running for 7.135)
2020-01-14 19:22:47.966  INFO 80644 --- [       Thread-8] o.a.k.c.c.internals.AbstractCoordinator  : [Consumer clientId=consumer-1, groupId=kafkaHisBackendConsumerGroup] Successfully joined group with generation 102
2020-01-14 19:22:47.968  INFO 80644 --- [       Thread-8] o.a.k.c.c.internals.ConsumerCoordinator  : [Consumer clientId=consumer-1, groupId=kafkaHisBackendConsumerGroup] Setting newly assigned partitions [hl7-events-topic-0]

IMPORTANT IMPORTANT CRW: If you're running the lab on CRW you should see a pop up asking you to expose port 8080, say yes. Then it will ask you to open a link, say yes again and copy the URL.

Open Link

Let's run some tests, for instance let's get all the patients in the dabase. Let's remember that when run locally, default profile is used and H2 is the database, not PostgreSQL. Please run this command from a different terminal.

curl http://localhost:8080/api/patients

Expect this output:


The integration layer

The integration layer comprises two Java classes implementing two Camel routes:

  • HL7 to Events: which receives HL7 messages, translate them to human readable text and send them to a different topic
  • Events to Telegram Bot: which receives Events and pass them through to the Telegram Bot

Theses are the relevant lines of code of class HL7ToEvents

There is just one route hl7-to-patient-info that

  1. starts from a kafka topic: from("kafka:{{kafka.from.topic}}...")
  2. then, sets some catches for exceptions: .onException(...)
  3. later, it translates from HL7 messages using the good old HAPI libraries: .process(exchange -> ...
  4. finally after some convertion the human readable message is sent to another topic: .to("kafka:{{}}...")
import ...

public class HL7ToEvents extends RouteBuilder {
  public void configure() throws Exception {
            .log(LoggingLevel.ERROR, "Error connecting to server, please check the file ${exception.message}")
            .log(LoggingLevel.ERROR, "Error unmarshalling ${exception.message}")
        .log("Route started from Telegram")
        .log("body: ${body}")
        .process(exchange -> {
            String encodedMessage = exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
            String decodedMessage = new String(decodedBytes);
            HapiContext context = new DefaultHapiContext();
            Message hapiMessage   = p.parse(decodedMessage);
            Terser terser = new Terser(hapiMessage);
            String sendingApplication = terser.get("/.MSH-3-1");

            String msgCode = terser.get("/.MSH-9-1");
            String msgTriggerEvent = terser.get("/.MSH-9-2");
            Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>();
            data.put("message", message + " in Black Mountain");
            data.put("personalId", personalId); 
            data.put("patientId", patientId);

        // marshall to JSON with GSON
        .log("Converting to JSON data: ${body}")
        .log("Sending message ${body} to topic {{}}")
        .log("Event sent successfully: ${body}");

Next you can find the relevant lines of code of the second part of the integration layer, class EventsToTelegramBot.

This integration comprises two routes, the 1st one events-to-bot is even simpler:

  1. Again it starts from a topic: from("kafka:{{kafka.from.topic}}...")
  2. Then some exception handling: .onException(...)
  3. Pass the message to the other route: .to("direct:send-event-to-bot")

The 2nd route send-event-to-bot

  1. Sets some header to configure the http component: .setHeader(...)
  2. Send the message to the Telegram Bot using the http component: .to("http://{{}}:{{telegram-bot.port}}/new-message")
import ...

public class EventsToTelegramBot extends RouteBuilder {
  public void configure() throws Exception {
            .log(LoggingLevel.ERROR, "Error connecting to server, please check the file ${exception.message}")
        .log("Route started from Kafka Topic {{kafka.from.topic}}")
        .log("body: ${body}")
        .log("Sending message to telegram bot http://{{}}:{{telegram-bot.port}}/new-message: ${body}")
        .log("Event sent successfully: ${body}");

        .setHeader("id", header(Exchange.TIMER_COUNTER))
        .setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, constant("POST"))
        .setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, constant("application/json"))
        .setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_CHARACTER_ENCODING, constant("UTF-8"))
        .log("Executing saga #${headers} ${body}")
        .log("Patient info sent successfully: ${body}");

Let's run our integrations in two different (additional) terminal windows:

  • in charge of translating from HL7 to human readable text events
  • in charge of sending those events to the Telegram Bot

So, please in a different terminal run:


And yet in another terminal window, run:


NOTE NOTE: you have to wait until the integrations are up and running! During the building phase you will see traces like the next ones, wait until you see Integration "XYZ" in phase Running:

Integration hl7to-events dependent resource kit-br6bq0eue9ho5tj017mg (Build) changed phase to Scheduling
Integration hl7to-events dependent resource kit-br6bq0eue9ho5tj017mg (Build) changed phase to Pending
Integration hl7to-events dependent resource kit-br6bq0eue9ho5tj017mg (Build) changed phase to Running
Integration hl7to-events dependent resource kit-br6bq0eue9ho5tj017mg (Integration Kit) changed phase to Build Running
Integration hl7to-events dependent resource kit-br6bq0eue9ho5tj017mg (Build) changed phase to Succeeded
Integration hl7to-events dependent resource kit-br6bq0eue9ho5tj017mg (Integration Kit) changed phase to Ready

Let's run a test that generates a change in the status of a patient:

NOTE NOTE: In order for this test to work you should have signed up the personalId. You should have done this before when testing the Telegram Bot.

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT \
  -d '{"patientId":2,"personalId":"9876543210W","firstName":"PETER","lastName":"JONES","stage":"admission"}' \

If it all works properly no error should be received and a message should be sent to the Telegram App.

In the 7a integration window you should see something like:

[1] 2020-01-14 18:40:20.873 INFO  [Camel (camel-k) thread #1 - KafkaConsumer[hl7-events-topic]] hl7-to-patient-info - Route started from Telegram
[1] sendingApplication ADT1
[1] >>> HL7 code: ADT event: A04
[1] 2020-01-14 18:40:20.882 INFO  [Camel (camel-k) thread #1 - KafkaConsumer[hl7-events-topic]] hl7-to-patient-info - Converting to JSON data: {"personalId":"9876543210W","patientId":"2","message":"Patient PETER JONES with ID(9876543210W) has been admitted (A04) in Black Mountain"}
[1] 2020-01-14 18:40:20.882 INFO  [Camel (camel-k) thread #1 - KafkaConsumer[hl7-events-topic]] hl7-to-patient-info - Sending message {"personalId":"9876543210W","patientId":"2","message":"Patient PETER JONES with ID(9876543210W) has been admitted (A04) in Black Mountain"} to topic events-topic
[1] 2020-01-14 18:40:20.885 INFO  [Camel (camel-k) thread #4 - KafkaProducer[events-topic]] hl7-to-patient-info - Event sent successfully: {"personalId":"9876543210W","patientId":"2","message":"Patient PETER JONES with ID(9876543210W) has been admitted (A04) in Black Mountain"}

And in 7b you should get:

WARNING WARNING: If you get "org.apache.camel.http.common.HttpOperationFailedException: HTTP operation failed invoking with statusCode: 404" then you have to /signup 9876543210W again!

[1] 2020-01-14 18:40:20.887 INFO  [Camel (camel-k) thread #2 - KafkaConsumer[events-topic]] events-to-bot - Route started from Kafka Topic events-topic
[1] 2020-01-14 18:40:20.887 INFO  [Camel (camel-k) thread #2 - KafkaConsumer[events-topic]] events-to-bot - body: {"personalId":"9876543210W","patientId":"2","message":"Patient PETER JONES with ID(9876543210W) has been admitted (A04) in Black Mountain"}
[1] 2020-01-14 18:40:20.887 INFO  [Camel (camel-k) thread #2 - KafkaConsumer[events-topic]] events-to-bot - Sending message to telegram bot http://telegram-bot:tcp:// {"personalId":"9876543210W","patientId":"2","message":"Patient PETER JONES with ID(9876543210W) has been admitted (A04) in Black Mountain"}
[1] 2020-01-14 18:40:20.888 INFO  [Camel (camel-k) thread #2 - KafkaConsumer[events-topic]] send-event-to-bot - Executing saga #{CamelHttpCharacterEncoding=UTF-8, CamelHttpMethod=POST, Content-Type=application/json, id=null, kafka.HEADERS=RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = Content-Type, value = [97, 112, 112, 108, 105, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 47, 106, 115, 111, 110]), RecordHeader(key = kafka.KEY, value = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3]), RecordHeader(key = kafka.OFFSET, value = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 39]), RecordHeader(key = kafka.PARTITION, value = [0, 0, 0, 0]), RecordHeader(key = kafka.TIMESTAMP, value = [0, 0, 1, 111, -91, 91, 73, 10]), RecordHeader(key = kafka.TOPIC, value = [104, 108, 55, 45, 101, 118, 101, 110, 116, 115, 45, 116, 111, 112, 105, 99])], isReadOnly = false), kafka.KEY=[B@5f4d6af9, kafka.OFFSET=[B@4e07eea2, kafka.PARTITION=[B@cfb7b1, kafka.TIMESTAMP=[B@20b32797, kafka.TOPIC=[B@149d9bda} {"personalId":"9876543210W","patientId":"2","message":"Patient PETER JONES with ID(9876543210W) has been admitted (A04) in Black Mountain"}
[1] 2020-01-14 18:40:20.947 INFO  [Camel (camel-k) thread #2 - KafkaConsumer[events-topic]] send-event-to-bot - Patient info sent successfully: ok

If in the desktop app you'll see this.

HIS Backend local test 1

Then in the Telegram App you'll see the message.

HIS Backend local test 1

So for now we have HIS Backend, running locally, both integrations running in OpenShift (although we see logs locally) and the Telegram Bot running also in OpenShift.

Next step is to run the frontend locally pointing to the backend running also locally.

HIS Frontend

This time we have to run a NodeJS application that contains the code of an Angular App (with Material design).

Here we have a different approach if you're using CodeReady Workspaces - CRW or not.

If you're not using CRW

INFO INFO: The trick is in the script dev in ./frontend/package.json that runs in paralell client and server. client uses --proxy-config server.conf.js to set the proxy rules. Open ./ and check the line npm run dev.

Run the following script and you'll have the Angular App running in development mode on port 4200 proxying requests to /api/patients to the backend (port 8080) and also proxies requests to /server.json to 8090, hence this command also changes the port of the Node JS to avoid colliding with backend.


You should see something like this:

> [email protected] dev /Users/cvicensa/Projects/openshift/tap/state-machine-assistant/frontend
> npx concurrently --kill-others "npm run client" "npm run server"

[1] > [email protected] server /Users/cvicensa/Projects/openshift/tap/state-machine-assistant/frontend
[1] > npx nodemon server.js
[0] > [email protected] client /Users/cvicensa/Projects/openshift/tap/state-machine-assistant/frontend
[0] > npx ng serve --proxy-config server.conf.js
[1] [nodemon] 1.19.0
[1] [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[1] [nodemon] watching: *.*
[1] [nodemon] starting `node server.js`
[1] App started at: Tue Jan 14 2020 19:42:17 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time) on port: 8090
[0] ** Angular Live Development Server is listening on localhost:4200, open your browser on http://localhost:4200/ **
[0] [HPM] Proxy created: [ '/server.json' ]  ->  http://localhost:8090
[0] [HPM] Proxy created: [ '/api/patients', '/api/patients/' ]  ->
[0] Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run next command `npm update`
[0] Date: 2020-01-14T18:42:29.637Z
[0] Hash: 470ace7d3ce9cda4fcf8
[0] Time: 9734ms
[0] chunk {es2015-polyfills} es2015-polyfills.js, (es2015-polyfills) 284 kB [initial] [rendered]
[0] chunk {main} main.js, (main) 35 kB [initial] [rendered]
[0] chunk {polyfills} polyfills.js, (polyfills) 236 kB [initial] [rendered]
[0] chunk {runtime} runtime.js, (runtime) 6.08 kB [entry] [rendered]
[0] chunk {styles} styles.js, (styles) 345 kB [initial] [rendered]
chunk {vendor} vendor.js, (vendor) 7.09 MB [initial] [rendered]
[0] ℹ 「wdm」: Compiled successfully.
[1] fullUrl: http://localhost:4200/server.json
[1] match: http://localhost:4200/,http://localhost:4200
[1] match[1]: http://localhost:4200
[1] config: {"API_ENDPOINT":"http://localhost:4200","SSO_ENABLED":false}

If on the contrary you're running this lab on CRW

We are going to run the Node JS application directly using npm start but before we do we need to prepare the environment and compile the TypeScript code (the actual Angular code you know...)

Let's build the Angular code.

. ./ 
cd ${CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT}/state-machine-assistant/frontend

npm run build

Let's set the environment properly...

IMPORTANT IMPORTANT CRW: Do you remember the URL exposing the backend api? If you don't look for IMPORTANT CRW. Well we need to point the UI to the backend API running in CRW so do the following only that changing the ugly text by the proper URL without the ending back slash.

export GW_ENDPOINT=https://$(oc get route -n ${CHE_WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE}-codeready | grep 8080 | awk '{ print $2 }')

Finally let's run the application.

npm start

IMPORTANT IMPORTANT CRW: Again if running on CRW you'll be asked to expose and open a link. Please click on

Expose frontend on CRW

Open link to frontend on CRW

Now open a browser and point to http://localhost:4200 in case you're not using CRW or just click on the Open Link button from the pop-up if you're using it. You should see something like this. (Or if on CRW you just did by saying yes...)

HIS Frontend local test 1

Now add a Reason and click on Next for Patient PETER JONES (9876543210W) This way you change the status from adminssion to triage

HIS Frontend local test 2

If you go to he backend terminal you would see something like:

Record sent to partition 0 with offset 74

On integration 7a:

[2] 2020-01-15 11:49:40.131 INFO  [Camel (camel-k) thread #1 - KafkaConsumer[hl7-events-topic]] hl7-to-patient-info - Route started from Telegram
[2] 2020-01-15 11:49:40.131 INFO  [Camel (camel-k) thread #1 - KafkaConsumer[hl7-events-topic]] hl7-to-patient-info - body: 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
[2] sendingApplication ADT1
[2] >>> HL7 code: ADT event: A08
[2] 2020-01-15 11:49:40.141 INFO  [Camel (camel-k) thread #1 - KafkaConsumer[hl7-events-topic]] hl7-to-patient-info - Converting to JSON data: {"personalId":"9876543210W","patientId":"2","message":"Patient PETER JONES with ID(9876543210W) has been updated (A08) in Black Mountain"}
[2] 2020-01-15 11:49:40.142 INFO  [Camel (camel-k) thread #1 - KafkaConsumer[hl7-events-topic]] hl7-to-patient-info - Sending message {"personalId":"9876543210W","patientId":"2","message":"Patient PETER JONES with ID(9876543210W) has been updated (A08) in Black Mountain"} to topic events-topic
[2] 2020-01-15 11:49:40.188 INFO  [Camel (camel-k) thread #6 - KafkaProducer[events-topic]] hl7-to-patient-info - Event sent successfully: {"personalId":"9876543210W","patientId":"2","message":"Patient PETER JONES with ID(9876543210W) has been updated (A08) in Black Mountain"}

On integration 7b:

[1] 2020-01-15 11:49:40.148 INFO  [Camel (camel-k) thread #2 - KafkaConsumer[events-topic]] events-to-bot - Route started from Kafka Topic events-topic
[1] 2020-01-15 11:49:40.148 INFO  [Camel (camel-k) thread #2 - KafkaConsumer[events-topic]] events-to-bot - body: {"personalId":"9876543210W","patientId":"2","message":"Patient PETER JONES with ID(9876543210W) has been updated (A08) in Black Mountain"}
[1] 2020-01-15 11:49:40.148 INFO  [Camel (camel-k) thread #2 - KafkaConsumer[events-topic]] events-to-bot - Sending message to telegram bot http://telegram-bot:tcp:// {"personalId":"9876543210W","patientId":"2","message":"Patient PETER JONES with ID(9876543210W) has been updated (A08) in Black Mountain"}
[1] 2020-01-15 11:49:40.149 INFO  [Camel (camel-k) thread #2 - KafkaConsumer[events-topic]] send-event-to-bot - Executing saga #{CamelHttpCharacterEncoding=UTF-8, CamelHttpMethod=POST, Content-Type=application/json, id=null, kafka.HEADERS=RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = Content-Type, value = [97, 112, 112, 108, 105, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 47, 106, 115, 111, 110]), RecordHeader(key = kafka.KEY, value = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4]), RecordHeader(key = kafka.OFFSET, value = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 74]), RecordHeader(key = kafka.PARTITION, value = [0, 0, 0, 0]), RecordHeader(key = kafka.TIMESTAMP, value = [0, 0, 1, 111, -87, 9, -88, 34]), RecordHeader(key = kafka.TOPIC, value = [104, 108, 55, 45, 101, 118, 101, 110, 116, 115, 45, 116, 111, 112, 105, 99])], isReadOnly = false), kafka.KEY=[B@7e509dc5, kafka.OFFSET=[B@19228660, kafka.PARTITION=[B@385d4064, kafka.TIMESTAMP=[B@9532a07, kafka.TOPIC=[B@7397305d} {"personalId":"9876543210W","patientId":"2","message":"Patient PETER JONES with ID(9876543210W) has been updated (A08) in Black Mountain"}
[1] 2020-01-15 11:49:40.251 INFO  [Camel (camel-k) thread #2 - KafkaConsumer[events-topic]] send-event-to-bot - Patient info sent successfully: ok
[1] 2020-01-15 11:49:40.252 INFO  [Camel (camel-k) thread #2 - KafkaConsumer[events-topic]] events-to-bot - Event sent successfully: 

And hopefully you'll see a notification:

HIS Frontend local test 3

And the whole message as before:

HIS Frontend local test 4

So for now we have HIS Frontend and Backend, running locally, both integrations running in OpenShift (although we see logs locally) and the Telegram Bot running also in OpenShift.

Next step is to run deploy HIS Frontend and Backend.

Deploy the remaining components to OpenShift

Deploying HIS Frontend and Backend

To deploy the frontend, as we did before for the Telegram Bot we're going to use Nodeshift, on the other hand for the backend we cannot use Nodeshift because is a Java/Maven app... but no worries we have a similar tool called Fabric8 Maven Plugin.

For now just run this command:


Eventually you'll see in Projects->YOUR_PROJECT->Workloads something like this:

Frontend Backend Deployment

Deploying Camel Integrations

If previously we have two script to run the integrations HL7 to Events and Events to Telegram Bot now we only have one ./ The other difference is that we don't want to see the logs locally, so no need for the --dev flag any more.

This is the relevant piece in our script:

./kamel run --configmap=hl7-to-events \
  -d camel-gson -d mvn:ca.uhn.hapi:hapi-base:2.3 -d mvn:ca.uhn.hapi:hapi-structures-v24:2.3 \

./kamel run --configmap=events-to-bot ./integrations/

Now please run the script, your should receive an output like this:


Expected result:

integration "hl7to-events" created
integration "events-to-telegram-bot" created

Final tests

Now that we have everything deployed in OpenShift, it's time to do the final test.

We only need the route of our HIS Frontend application, you can get it by running this command:

You can also use the web console and go to Projects->YOUR_PROJECT->Workloads Click on frontend then look for Resources->Routes

oc get route/frontend -n $PROJECT_NAME

Open a browser and change the status of PETER JONES at will, you should expect the same results as before.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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