data processing for Teleseismic P-wave Coda Autocorrelation made by Tianyu Cui and Jinju Zhou, January 24, 2024
If you intent to use a part or entire code in your research, please cite at least one of the following articles:
Zhou, J., & Zhang, W. (2021). Extracting reliable P-wave reflections from teleseismic P wave coda autocorrelation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126, e2021JB022064.
Zhou, J., Hu, N., Hu, Y., & Zhang, W. (2022). Feasibility of estimating parameters and enhancing reflections of dipping Moho from teleseismic P wave coda autocorrelation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127, e2021JB023688.
- spectral whitening and autocorrelation for teleseismic P-wave coda wave
- velocity analysis to find average velocity above interface and two-way traveltimes
- moveout corrected for teleseismic P-wave coda autocorrelation
obspy, scipy, numpy, matplotlib, pygmt
test well: python3.9.15, obspy1.4.1, pygmt0.10.0, matplotlib3.8.4
### parameters setting
data_wave_folder = "demo_data" # folder of waveforms
# data preprocessing setting
channel = 'Z' # channel of waveforms
cut_win = [-20, 80] # cut window for autocorrelation, before 20s and after 80s of P wave. unit: second
signal_win = [-5, 5] # signal window for calculating SNR, 5s before and after P wave. unit: second
noise_win = [-20, -5] # noise window for calculating SNR, 20s before and 5s before P wave. unit: second
freq_pre = [0.1, 2] # frequency band for prefiltering data, 0.1-2Hz
min_SNR = 10 # minimum SNR for autocorrelation
# spectral whitening and autocorrelation setting
dw = 0.3 # spectral whitening width
filter_data = True # filter autocorrelation data or not
freq_ac = [0.2, 2] # frequency band for autocorrelation data, 0.1-1Hz
taper_data = True # taper autocorrelation data or not
taper_length = 5 # taper length for autocorrelation data, 5s
data_PWS_order = 1 # order of phase-weighted stack for autocorrelation data
# velocity analysis setting
vel_PWS_order = 1 # order of phase-weighted stack for velocity analysis data, 0 for linear stack
vp_max = 10 # maximum velocity for velocity analysis, default: 10km/s
vp_scan_num = 401 # number of velocity for velocity analysis
max_scan_time_win = [10, 15] # time window for scanning maximum velocity and t0, 10-15s of autocorrelation data
# plot figure setting
figure_folder = 'figure' # data folder for saving figures
ac_view_cut = 20 # time window for plotting autocorrelation and velocity spectrum, 20s of autocorrelation data
plot_sta_event = True # plot station and event distribution or not