- project have to be handled by Composer
- Controller
- add method/action to clipboard if not found in controller ex."used through a trait"
- supports controller definitions like
- Route::get('/', 'index'); // will have list of all controllers with the same action name
- Route::get('/', [PhotoController::class, 'index']);
- Route::get('/', 'PhotoController@index');
- Route::get('/', 'Something\PhotoController@index');
- Route::resource('/photo', 'PhotoController');
- Routes
- to add project APP_URL, run
Laravel GoTo Controller
from the command palette.- popup will show both the route "uri & action"
- uri: will open the link in browser "if route is a GET && APP_URL was added"
- action: will open the controller file
- the controller has to be following the laravel convention
routes won't have a link- for the controller link to redirect to the correct place
- make sure the
is set to a big number ex.100000
or even more if you have a very long list, otherwise, you might get redirected to the wrong controller. - if the controllers still doesn't show up in the popup, try restarting the editor
- make sure the
with v9 the route listing cmnd has changed, so now u have a new config to get around this, u can set the config per project so u have the same experience regardless of the fw version.
// v8- "laravelGotoController.routeListCommand": "artisan route:list --columns=uri,name,action,method --json", // v9+ "laravelGotoController.routeListCommand": "artisan route:list --json",