This is a simple implemention of LSBF.
More information and the design details can be found in the following paper:
- Yu Hua, Bin Xiao, Bharadwaj Veeravalli, Dan Feng. "Locality-Sensitive Bloom Filter for Approximate Membership Query", IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), Vol. 61, No. 6, June 2012, pages: 817-830. (pdf)
-- the main function of approximate query
-- the main function of exact-matching query
-- include the test data files
$ ./exact_query 200 200 2 dataset/200_data dataset/200_query
The exact query result are 28, 96, 98. These three points meet the needs of query requests.
$ ./lsbf 200 200 2 dataset/200_data dataset/200_query