This is a simple Python NiceHash script I created to monitor one BTC address & rig.
The script can be modified to monitor more addresses or rigs.
The script was made to run on Linux in Python 2.7.
At a high level, it does the following:
- Check to see if the application is already running
- Query nicehash API to get the current sum of the btc/day profitibility rates for all algos
- If the sum = 0, send an alert that the miner is off.
- If the sum is below the min threshold set in the config, send an alert
- Alert when back above the set threshold then exit script
The the script uses the IFTTT Maker chanel to do the alerting. To configure and run:
Configure an IFTTT Maker applet. Name the event "nicehash". Take note of your Maker service key.
I configured mine to send both a text and an email -
Setup the settings. Add your BTC address and IFTTT key
Run (should probably configure through cron to run at regular intervals). Sample crontab config below runs every 3 minutes.
# NHM Status */3 * * * * cd /location/of/pythonscript && /usr/bin/python ./