I'm a particle physicist who solves problems with C++, C, Rust, Bash, Python, Fortran and GNU R—whatever is required. Have a look at some of my repositories!
- NNPDF/pineappl: interpolation grid library for high-energy predictions independent of PDFs and the strong coupling
- cschwan/bash-scripts: various bash scripts that automate more complicated tasks
- cschwan/managed-lhapdf: Rust wrapper of the C++ library LHAPDF
- cschwan/sage-on-gentoo: A distribution of the computer algebra software package SageMath for Gentoo Linux. Now managed by @kiwifb
- cschwan/hep-mc: A C++ Monte Carlo integration library
- cschwan/hep-ps: A C++ library for integrands to calculate perturbative calculation in high-energy physics
- cschwan/hep-ga: A C++ template-metaprogramming library for numeric calculations with geometric algebra
- cschwan/dotfiles: My configuration files for BASH, GDB, GIT, TMUX, VIM, etc.