The repository contains bash script files that woud install all the softwares needed for Cuckoo Droid for android malware analysis.
Step 0: (Optional) install ubuntu 16.04 in your virtualbox. Total storage size would be about 50 GB.
- Note that after installation of our host system, insert Guest Additional CD image to get a normal screen size.
Step1: install git and set global variables, and some tools
sudo apt -y install git git config --global "[email protected]" git config --global "name" # (Optional) sudo apt -y install snap sudo snap install vscode --classic sudo apt -y install vim
Step2: download our repo and run the first bash file
git clone cd AndroidMalware/ bash
- After this step, manually setup, create the Android Virtual Machine named aosx with correct settings(see ref.
cd android-sdk-linux/tools/ ./android avd
- Cancel the "Use Host GPU"
- Click "OK"
- Close Android Virtual Device (AVD) Manager
Then run
bash ~/AndroidMalware/
Step3: Wait for the android phone starting completely and then execute
bash ~/AndroidMalware/
Then modify the setting the the phone. Please follow the following steps to set up the emulator.
- Press settings->Security->screenlock->none
- Press settings->Display->sleep->30 minutes
- Start Generate contacts app
- Start Supersuser app
- Start Xposedinstaller app
- In Modules, check both packages Droidmon , Android Blue Pill
- Press Framework -> OK -> Install -> Allow -> Cancel (if it shows rooted fail -> Press install -> Cancel)
- Press Soft reboot -> OK
- After emulator restarted completely (don't close it).
Step4: Turn off the emulator. Then run
bash ~/AndroidMalware/
Step5: Open the terminal, type:
python ~/cuckoo/ -d
Open another terminal, type:
python ~/cuckoo/web_android/ runserver
Step6: Open your browser at and test!!! (better changing the port)
- Datasets can be downloaded from
Jeremy R.L. JAHN B02901043 吳宛臻 B04901011