Incognito sidechain is released under the terms of the MIT license. See COPYING for more information or see
A new type of crypto-currency
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- Go 1.10 or newer.
- Mac, Linux, Windows OS
- Install Go according to the installation instructions here:
- Ensure Go was installed properly and is a supported version:
$ go version
- Clone Project to GOPATH NOTE: The GOROOT and GOPATH above must not be the same path. It is recommended that GOPATH is set to a directory in your home directory such as ~/goprojects to avoid write permission issues. It is also recommended to add $GOPATH/bin to your PATH at this point.
- Install go lib with
go get -v
- Run
go build -o incognito
in project dir or runsh
to copy into go bin dir
- Pre-install like "Prerequisites"
- Get node up with
go build
$ ./incognito --enablewallet --wallet "wallet" --walletpassphrase "12345678" --testnet --norpcauth
- Get node up with
$ incognito --enablewallet --wallet "wallet" --walletpassphrase "12345678" --testnet --norpcauth
- To start dev container
$ docker-compose -p incognitodev -f dev-env/docker-compose.yaml up -d
- To stop dev container
$ docker-compose -f dev-env/docker-compose.yaml down
- To start developing
$ docker exec -it incognito-prototype-dev sh
$ glide install
$ go build
$ ./incognito
- To start other nodes (these nodes will start will config file in dev-env/nodes-data/node-<NODE_NUMBER>)
$ docker run -i -t --net incognitodev_incognito-net --mount type=bind,src=$PWD/incognito,dst=/constant --mount type=bind,src=$PWD/dev-env/nodes-data/node<REPLACE THIS WILL NODE_NUMBER>,dst=/nodedata --expose 9333 alpine:3.7 /constant --configfile /nodedata/config.conf
- Refer to config.go or sample-config.conf in source code to get full explanation
- Run node with config param in long or short format to change features of running node
- Wallet client js