Unix command line tool for hashing values to ascii chars
Hash input string to default chars (lower case)
$ alphash --input foobar
>>> liyyffytybcuhargzwsk
Hash input to alphanumeric chars
$ alphash --input foobar --alphanumeric
>>> xYvc8QRey2EaMEVwVAOe
Hash input to uppercase + digits
$ alphash --input foobar --digits --uppercase
Hash input to alphanumeric + special chars ( !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ )
$ alphash --input foobar --all
>>> q_n\pF"@h(_h5Uhl<ET"
Hash input using a seed ( either int or string )
$ alphash --input foobar --all --seed myseed
>>> D!(={7IyCjn,`(>)\SIX
Hash using secure input
$ alphash --all --seed myseed -si
>>> Secure Input:
>>> D!(={7IyCjn,`(>)\SIX
On UNIX systems move alphash.py to /usr/bin/alphash
Make sure you've permission to execute.