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A small backtesting utility.




pip install --upgrade bktest


bktest [OPTIONS]


Option Value Default Format Description
--start <start date> orders' first date date (ISO-8601) The starting date of the backtesting. If the value is before the first ordering day, the value will be discarded.
--end <end date> orders' last date date (ISO-8601) The ending date of the backtesting. If the value is after today, the value will be discarded.
--offset-before-trading <days> 1 int Number of day to offset to push each date of the portfolio before trading it.
--offset-before-ending <days> 0 int Number of day to continue the backtest after every orders.
--order-file <file> path The single order file to use. The file must contain symbol, quantity and date information.
--single-file-provider-column-date <column> date string Change the date column name to use.
--single-file-provider-column-symbol <column> symbol string Change the symbol column name to use.
--single-file-provider-column-quantity <column> quantity string Change the quantity column name to use.
--order-files <directory> path The directory of order file to use. The filename must be a date. The file must contain symbol and quantity information.
--order-files-extension <extension> csv [csv, parquet, json] Change the file extension to use when listing for order files.
--initial-cash <amount> 100_000 number Change the initial cash to use for the backtesting.
--quantity-mode <mode> percent [percent, share] If the mode is share, all quantities will be interpreted as integers. If the mode is percent, all values will be multiplied by the current cash value.
--weekends false Enable ordering on weekends.
--holidays false Enable ordering on holidays.
--symbol-mapping <mapping> path (.json) Specify a custom symbol mapping file enabling vendor-id translation.
--no-caching false Disable prices caching.
--fee-model <model> expression or constant Specify a fee model to use. The value can be a constant. Or an expression that allow the usage of the price and quantity variable.
Example: abs(price * quantity) * 0.1
--holiday-provider <name> nyse [legacy, nyse] Specify which holiday provider to use.
--rfr-file <directory> path The directory of rfr file to use. The file must contain a column with date information and a column with the rfr information in %.
--rfr-file-column-date <column> date string Change the date column name to use.


Multiple exporters can be enabled at one time.


The console exporter allows a quick look at the backtest.

Option Value Default Format Description
--console false Enable the console exporter.
--console-format <format> text [text, json] Change the output format.
--console-file <file> out [out, err] Change the output file.
--console-hide-skips false Do not the skipped days.
--console-text-no-color false Disable colors in the output. (only if the format is text)


The dump exporter generate a dump of the portfolio at each day.

Option Value Default Format Description
--dump false Enable the dump exporter.
--dump-output-file <file> dump.csv path Specify the output file.
--dump-auto-delete false Automatically delete the previous dump file if it is present.


Generate a tearsheet from the backtest data.

Option Value Default Format Description
--quantstats false Enable the quantstats exporter.
--quantstats-output-file-html <file> report.html path Specify the output file containing the tearsheet.
--quantstats-output-file-csv <file> report.csv path Specify the output file containing raw returns.
--quantstats-benchmark-ticker <ticker> SPY symbol Specify the ticker to use as a benchmark in the tearsheet.
--quantstats-auto-delete false Automatically delete the previous report files if they are present.


Generate a tearsheet from a custom template.

Option Value Default Format Description
--pdf false Enable the pdf exporter.
--pdf-template <file> tearsheet.sketch path Specify the template file.
--pdf-output-file <file> report.pdf path Specify the output file.
--pdf-auto-delete false Automatically delete the previous report file if present.
--pdf-debug false Enable the pdf renderer's debugging tools.
--pdf-variable [<key> <value>] [] string string Add a custom variable.
--pdf-user-script [<file>] [] path Add a user script.

Specific Return

Generate a tearsheet from the specific return backtest data.

Option Value Default Format Description
--specific-return <file> path Enable the specific return exporter by proving a file.
--specific-return-column-date <column> date string Specify the name of column containing the dates informations.
--specific-return-column-symbol <column> symbol string Specify the name of column containing the symbols informations.
--specific-return-column-value <column> specific_return string Specify the name of column containing the value informations.
--specific-return-output-file-html <file> sr-report.html path Specify the output file containing the tearsheet.
--specific-return-output-file-csv <file> sr-report.csv path Specify the output file containing raw returns.
--specific-return-auto-delete false Automatically delete the previous report files if they are present.

Data Sources

Only one data source can be used at once.


Option Value Default Format Description
--yahoo false Enable yahoo as the data source.


Option Value Default Format Description
--coinmarketcap false Enable coinmarketcap as the data source.
--coinmarketcap-force-mapping-refresh false Force a mapping refresh. This is usually only done automatically the first time of using this data source.
--coinmarketcap-page-size <size> 10_000 number Specify the page size while building the mapping.


Option Value Default Format Description
--factset false Enable factset as the data source.
--factset-username-serial $FACTSET_USERNAME_SERIAL Specify the factset's username serial to use.
--factset-api-key $FACTSET_API_KEY Specify the factset's api key to use.


Use a static file as a price data source.

If another data source is specified, files sources will be used first in a delegated data source. Meaning that if the data are not available in the file, the next data source will be used.

Option Value Default Format Description
--file-parquet <file> path Use a static .parquet file as a the data source.
--file-parquet-column-date <column> date string Specify the name of column containing the dates informations.
--file-parquet-column-symbol <column> symbol string Specify the name of column containing the symbols informations.
--file-parquet-column-price <column> price string Specify the name of column containing the prices informations.