Please use
- Overview
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
ABRT is a set of tools to help users detect and report problems. It's main purpose is to ease the process of reporting an issue and finding a solution.
class { 'abrt':
package_ensure => 'latest',
openGPGCheck => 'no',
autoreportingEnabled => 'yes',
include abrt::addon::ccpp
include abrt::addon::kerneloops
include abrt::addon::python
include abrt::addon::ruby
include abrt::addon::vmcore
include abrt::libreport::mailx
class { 'abrt::libreport::sos': enable => false, }
class { 'abrt::libreport::ureport':
url => '',
sslverify => 'yes',
sslclientauth => 'puppet',
- Fork the project
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
- Send a pull request with a description of your changes