In this blog post I talk about how to do Python (py)testing while multiprocessing.
This repo is the accompanying code. Feel free to read it as it is (lots of comments in the code) or follow the story in the blog (There are pictures).
Setup is based on anaconda. I like to fix only the major packages, the rest, should be installed at their best version available.
conda create -y --copy -n demo-mp python=3.9.2 pytest pytest-mock pytest-cov
That's it. Load the code in your IDE, configure it and run the tests, of course! Check the blog post for more descriptions!
Run More Run/Debug -> Run Pytest with Coverage
Note the lack of coverage in multiprocessing.
To have reports from multiprocessing (Will break the "regular" coverage)
- Make .coveragerc in test folder with:
.coveragerc file:
branch = True
Run it again from IDE. Now there is no coverage report shown!
Navigate where the IDE is saving the coverage files PyCharm: ~/.cache/JetBrains/PyCharmXXXX.Y/coverage
Make sure the conda env is active. Run
coverage combine .coverage.; coverage xml
Now, back to IDE, Run -> Show Coverage Data -> Plus -> (navigate to xml)
Hint: If you want back the IDE coverage, disable the first line in .coveragerc