First run ePIC_Analysis.C, then ePIC_Plotting.C
CR 2024-08-14/20
Run this macro, from the Linux / Terminal command line, as
root -l -q ePIC_Analysis.C
The only condition is that there is a subdirectory called "data" that contains the input MC file (from SDCC), which can be downloaded here:
The name of this input MC file (variable "strang") is hardcoded in this macro and must match with the file name
CR 2024-11-08
It is also possible to stream a runlist directly on SDCC. I can provide instructions
Run this macro, from the Linux / Terminal command line, as
root -l -q ePIC_Plotting.C
The only condition is that previously ran ePIC_Analysis.C with the identical "strang" as hardcoded in this macro
Strang must match the string in a file starting with out*, in this directory