Releases: creesch/readReddit
Releases · creesch/readReddit
V0.15.0 release
- Reworked extension structure to work with upcoming Chrome manifest changes
- Various libraries have been updated to the latest version.
- use currentTarget for inline reddit link opening
- Made it a bit more clear when clicking certain links that content is loading.
V0.14.0 release
- All links in a text will now be collected and shown at the bottom of text. This makes it is easier to deal with stories with "next" or "previous" links. This can be turned off in settings.
- Reddit links will now be opened in the readReddit overlay. This can be turned off in settings.
- Support for user profile posts.
- Various css fixes.
V0.5 release
v0.2 release
V0.2 v0.2
v0.1 release
V0.1 Update readme