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Hello all, Welcome to the official Github repository of CCS Coding Community which is an initiative by Creative Computing Society to boost the coding culture at TIET. With a community of 1800+ members, 7 proficient mentors and 60+ questions discussed till date,CCS Coding Community is one of the best places to kickstart your DSA journey. At Coding Community,we daily share 2 questions - 1 basic(for those who are just getting started) and 1 advanced(for those who have some knowledge of DSA) and at the end of the day, the solutions are discussed and explained by a mentor on a meet.

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Date-wise Questions

Below is a well compiled list of questions discussed till now for your easy reference

Date Easy Question Hard Question
2023-11-05 Concatenation of Array Middle of the Linked List
2023-11-06 Build Array from Permutation Reverse Linked List
2023-11-07 Pascal's Triangle Linked List Cycle
2023-11-08 Running Sum of 1-D Array Linked List Cycle 2
2023-11-09 Majority Element Merge Two Sorted Lists
2023-11-10 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Remove nth node from end of list
2023-11-11 Two Sum 2 Input Array is Sorted Remove duplicates from sorted linked list
2023-11-14 Create Target Array in Given Order Rotate List
2023-11-15 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Palindrome Linked List
2023-11-16 Number of 1 bits Copy List with Random Pointer
2023-11-17 Move Zeroes Spiral Matrix 4
2023-11-18 Range Sum Query Immutable Add Two Numbers
2023-11-19 Valid Anagram Same Tree
2023-11-20 Two Sum Invert Binary Tree
2023-11-21 Jewels and Stones Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
2023-11-22 Decode the Message Average of Levels in Binary Tree
2023-11-23 Maximum Number of Balloons Binary Tree Inorder Traversal
2023-11-24 Verifying an Alien Dictionary Binary Tree Preorder Traversal
2023-11-25 Design Hashmap Binary Tree Postorder Traversal
2023-11-26 Product of Array except Self Path Sum
2023-11-27 Group Anagrams Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree
2023-12-26 Find the difference of two arrays Same Tree
2023-12-27 Find pivot index Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree
2023-11-28 Squares of a Sorted Array Minimum Absolute Difference in BST
2023-11-29 Top K Frequent Elements Check Completeness of a Binary Tree
2023-12-30 Sort Colors Subtree of another tree
2023-01-02 Partition List Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal
2023-01-03 Convert an array into a 2D Array Binary Tree Right Side View
2023-01-04 Group Anagrams Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree
2023-01-05 Maximum Points you can obtain from cards Recover Binary Search Tree


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