This is a program that takes a raw genetic data file (provided by 23andMe) and gathers health information from SNPedia relevant to your genome.
Getting Started:
- Obtain your raw genetic data from 23andMe.
- Click Load... on the bottom left of the window to load your raw genetic data file.
- Give your dataset a name and click Confirm to continue.
- Give the program some time to download data from SNPedia. (Note: This will take a few hours.)
Reading Your Data:
- Select your newly created data file from the list menu on the left of the window.
- Choose your filter criteria and input a search query and/or click Search to display your results.
- Your results will be displayed and broken down by SNP, Repute, and Magnitude.
- To display more details about a specific SNP, use select the drop down arrow to display its summary and references (if applicable).