- Send message to RabbitMQ durable queue
- Have many durable Consumers all receive the message
- Message will be a serialized object (soap/xml) using multispeak
- Use BasicProperties Headers to help with processing the message
1 - Erlang 64 bit version 20.2 (otp_win64_20.2.exe) 2 - RabbitMQ Server 3.7.0 (rabbitmq-server-3.7.0) 3 - Follow the directions from RabbitMQ to install the software 4 - If you create your own solution or project add the NuGet Rabbit.MQ.Client
MultiSpeak is a standard in Utility Industry for various systems to communicate.
MultiSpeak has several types of notifications. One type is the OutageEventChangedNotification produced by Outage Management Systems. Typically the OutageEventChangedNotfiiation is sent to a web service endpoint and this endpoint will then send the message to RabbitMQ.
The Producer in this example mocks up an OutageEventChangedNotification to test the Producre and Consumer.
- Start RabbitMQ
- Run the Consumer
- Run the Producer
Add Web Service Endpoint which captures the OutageEventChangedNotification and sends this message to RabbitMQ.