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Everett Griffiths edited this page Jun 23, 2014 · 15 revisions


This snippet returns a list of images or other assets for the given page (defaults to the current page).


The getPageAssets Snippet accepts the following arguments:

  • &page_id (integer) Page id of the page whose assets/images you want to see. Defaults to the current page.
  • &outerTpl (string) formats the Outer Wrapper of List (Optional). This can be an inline formatting string or the name of a MODX Chunk.
  • &innerTpl (string) formats the Inner Item of List. This can be an inline formatting string or the name of a MODX Chunk.
  • &is_active (boolean) Get all active records only. Default: 1.
  • &is_image (boolean) if true, return only images, if false, only other assets. If not set, we get everything. Default will return all assets.
  • &limit (integer) Limit the records to be shown (if set to 0, all records will be pulled)


The innerTpl and outerTpl arguments can accept in-line formatting strings or the names of MODX Chunks.

    &innerTpl=`<img src="[[+asset_id:resize=`300x500`]]" width="300" height="500" alt="[[+Asset.alt]]" />`

The outerTpl should use the [[+content]] placeholder to indicate where the sum of the innerTpl's will be placed.

    &innerTpl=`<img src="[[+asset_id:scale2w=`600`]]" width="600" height="[[+asset_id.height]]" alt="[[+Asset.alt]]" />`
    &outerTpl=`<div class="myclass">[[+content]]</div>`

No Results

Instead of using yet-another-MODX chunk to display a message when no assets are found, you should instead use a MODX "empty" filter to accomplish this:

[[getPageAssets:empty=`No images found`? &innerTpl=`myAssetChunk`]]


Most of the placeholders here should include "Asset." as a prefix.

  • [[+asset_id]]
  • [[+Asset.url]]
  • [[+Asset.thumbnail_url]]
  • [[+Asset.width]]
  • [[+Asset.height]]
  • [[+Asset.alt]]

Changing the Output Size

The getPageAssets Snippet does not force changes to image sizes directly, instead you can use the resize, scale2h, or scale2w output filters to display different sizes.

    &innerTpl=`<li><img src="[[+asset_id:resize=`300x500`]]" width="300" height="500" alt="[[+Asset.alt]]" /></li>`
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