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Everett Griffiths edited this page Jul 6, 2018 · 3 revisions

System Settings

The Asset Manager includes the following System Settings:

  • assman.library_path
  • assman.url_override
  • assman.site_url
  • assman.class_keys
  • assman.thumbnail_width
  • assman.thumbnail_height
  • assman.autocreate_content_type
  • assman.groups

Although these can be edited like any other MODX System Settings, a more streamlined interface is available under "Extras --> Asset Manager --> Settings" (or "Components --> Asset Manager --> Settings" in versions of Revo prior to 2.3).


String. This is a path relative to the MODX asset_path where Asset Manager should use as a base for storing its images.

Default: lib/


Boolean. If true, the assman.url_override will be used to calculate asset URLs. This is useful if you want to serve images via a proxy, CDN, or on another port (e.g. using a lightweight web server process). If false, the MODX assets_url is assumed. Default: false


String. Set this value and then set assman.url_override to true if you want to generate a different URL for your images than the standard URL inside of the MODX asset_url


JSON array. Include an array of MODX resource classes where you want the Asset Manager tab to be visible. Default: ["modDocument"]


Integer. Width of thumbnails (in pixels) generated inside the MODX manager on Asset Manager pages. Default: 240


Integer. Height of thumbnails generated (in pixels) inside the MODX manager on Asset Manager pages. Default: 180


Boolean. If true, Asset Manager will automatically detect content types of uploaded content and make the necessary modx_content_type record to serve up this type of content. It's recommended to leave this set to true because it spares you the hassle of defining content types. Even if you prefer to define your own content types (e.g. to set custom MIME types or extensions), then it's recommended that you set the ones that you want to specifically control, then let Asset Manager take its best guess at the rest. Default: true


JSON array. Defines groups used to organize assets on a page. This feature was conceived as a site-wide type of organization (e.g. where your templates had specific areas for specific groups of assets). The group assignment is at the page-level: you can assign an asset to one group on one page and to a different group on another page.


Comma-separated array of template IDs. If you don't want the Asset Manager to be used for specific templates, list them here.