The following provides the working fields for the Public Life Observation data types. All data needs to be in JSON with location data encoded in GeoJSON.
The fields marked with an asterisk are already populated when you create the data source for your observations in Stae.
Field | Data type | Description | Validation | Example |
id* | Text | Represents an observation made by a surveyor in a public place, developed by the Gehl institute. | Not empty | "Public Life Observation" |
name | Text | Descriptive name of the study or place to be monitored. | Not empty | "Public Life Observation at Mission-Dolores Park" |
notes | Text | Description or further notes about the study. | Not empty | "2014 Data from public life study" |
locationType | Text | Spatial unit or typology of space | Not empty, enumeration: block, screenline, parklet, plaza, transit, intersectionn | "parklet" |
location | Point | Location of where the study exists. | GEOJSON Point, is true | {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-122.420311, 37.767404]} |
surveyor | Text | Name of the surveyor | Not empty | 'Jan Gehl' |
startedAt | Date | Date/time of when the survey started | Date/Time: MM/DD/YY, HH:MM AM/PM | '08/01/14, 12:00PM' |
endedAt | Date | Date/time of when the survey ended | Date/Time: MM/DD/YY, HH:MM AM/PM | '08/01/14, 12:30PM' |
climate | Text | Describes the weather with a five letter code | Not empty, enumeration: sunny, cloudy, rainy, thunder, foggy, windy, cold, or clear | 'sunny' |
temperature | Number (Fahrenheit) | Reading of temperature value. | Not empty, fahrenheit | "72.43" |
modePedestrian | Text | Total number of pedestrians | Not empty | '150' |
modeBicyclist | Text | Total number of cyclists | Not empty | '204' |
genderMale | Text | Total number of men or masculine presenting people | Not empty | '85' |
genderFemale | Text | Total number of women or feminine presenting people | Not empty | '43' |
genderUnknown | Text | Total number of people who's gender is unknown | Not empty | '2' |
age0To14 | Text | Total number of people who appear to be aged 0 to 14 | Not empty | '5' |
age15To24 | Text | Total number of people who appear to be aged 15 to 24 | Not empty | '60' |
age25To64 | Text | Total number of people who appear to be aged 25 to 64 | Not empty | '45' |
age65Plus | Text | Total number of people who appear to be aged 65 or older | Not empty | '20' |
activityCommercial | Text | Number of individuals doing commerce. | Not empty | '2' |
activityCommercialInformal | Text | Number of individuals doing informal commerce. | Not empty | '5' |
activityRunning | Text | Number of individuals running or jogging. | Not empty | '6' |
activityPlaying | Text | Number of individuals playing on structures. | Not empty | '8' |
activityInformalPlaying | Text | Number of individuals playing informally. | Not empty | '3' |
activityRollerbladingSkateboarding | Text | Number of individuals skating or rollerblading or other extreme sport. | Not empty | '0' |
activityConsuming | Text | Number of individuals eating or drinking. | Not empty | '5' |
activityConversing | Text | Number of individuals conversing. | Not empty | '2' |
activityWatching | Text | Number of individuals watching other invidividuals. | Not empty | '1' |
activityWaitingTransport | Text | Number of individuals waiting for transportation. | Not empty | '12' |
activityWaitingCrosswalk | Text | Number of individuals waiting for a crosswalk. | Not empty | '4' |
activityElectronics | Text | Number of individuals on their electronic devices. | Not empty | '6' |
activityIdle | Text | Number of individuals watching in idle. | Not empty | '0' |
activityPet | Text | Number of individuals with a pet. | Not empty | '11' |
activityCulturallyEngaged | Text | Number of individuals performing/doing cultural activity | Not empty | '1' |
activityElectronicsConversing | Text | Number of individuals on their electronic devices and conversing. (Seattle Only) | Not empty | '0' |
activityElectronicsPlayingAudio | Text | Number of individuals engaged in playing audible music. (Seattle Only) | Not empty | '0' |
activityIntoxicated | Text | Number of individuals who appear to be intoxicated | Not empty | '1' |
activitySleep | Text | Number of individuals who are sleeping | Not empty | '5' |
activitySubstanceUse | Text | Number of individuals who are consuming substances | Not empty | '3' |
activityHomelessCamping | Text | Number of individuals who are camping | Not empty | '0' |
activityPanhandling | Text | Number of individuals who are panhandling | Not empty | '1' |
activittUrinatingDefecating | Text | Number of individuals who are urinating or defecating | Not empty | '1' |
activityLittering | Text | Number of individuals who are littering | Not empty | '4' |
sanitaryActivitiesOther | Text | Number of individuals who are doing some sanitary activity | Not empty | '1' |
postureStanding | Text | Number of individuals who are standing | Not empty | '15' |
postureLeaning | Text | Number of individuals who are leaning | Not empty | '4' |
postureSitting | Text | Number of individuals who are sitting | Not empty | '1' |
postureLying | Text | Number of individuals who are lying on the ground | Not empty | '9' |
posturePhysicalActivities | Text | Number of individuals who are doing physically activities (Seattle Only) | Not empty | '3' |
postureSittingPrivate | Text | Number of individuals who are sitting in private space | Not empty | '2' |
postureSittingPublic | Text | Number of individuals who are sitting in public chairs or benches | Not empty | '1' |
postureSittingMobile | Text | Number of individuals who are sitting in mobile seating | Not empty | '7' |
postureSittingWheelchair | Text | Number of individuals who are sitting in wheelchairs | Not empty | '4' |
postureSittingStroller | Text | Number of individuals who are sitting in strollers | Not empty | '2' |
postureSittingGround | Text | Number of individuals who are sitting on the ground | Not empty | '8' |
congregationPair | Text | Number of individuals part of a pair. | Not empty | '5' |
congregationGroup | Text | Number of individuals part of a group | Not empty | '7' |
congregationCrowd | Text | Number of individuals part of a crowd | Not empty | '30' |
objectPet | Text | Number of individuals who have a pet with them (Seattle Only) | Not empty | '1' |
objectStroller | Text | Number of individuals who have a stroller | Not empty | '6' |
objectPushcart | Text | Number of individuals who have a pushcart or shopping cart | Not empty | '2' |
objectEmptyBikeRack | Text | Number of empty bike racks. | Not empty | '0' |
bikeCounterTraffic | Text | Number of bikes travelling counter-traffic. | Not empty | '10' |
bikeSidewalk | Text | Number of bikes travelling on the sidewalk | Not empty | '21' |
bikeNoHelmet | Text | Number of cyclists without a helmet | Not empty | '3' |
parkedScooter | Text | Number of motorcycles/scooters parked | Not empty | '3' |
parkedCar | Text | Number of cars parked. | Not empty | '40' |
parkedVan | Text | Number of vans parked. | Not empty | '4' |
parkedTruck | Text | Number of trucks parked. | Not empty | '15' |
parkedBikeRack | Text | Number of bikes parked on sidewalk rack. | Not empty | '0' |
parkedDouble | Text | Number of cars double-parked. | Not empty | '4' |
objectEmptyParking | Text | Number of empty parking spaces. | Not empty | '0' |
loadingVehicle | Text | Number of loading vehicles parked. | Not empty | '1' |
parkedIllegally | Text | Number of cars illegally parked. | Not empty | '2' |